Weak 9: Monday Night Football – IOTW Report

Weak 9: Monday Night Football

Breitbart Sports: If you wanted good news for the NFL from its Monday Night Football ratings, you got it. If you wanted bad news for the NFL from its Monday Night Football ratings, you also got it.

How the media and pundits interpret the information will depend on their agenda. However, if your agenda is truth, here are the facts.

Monday night’s contest between the Packers and Lions scored a 7.6 rating in metered markets. That number represents a 6 percent increase from the disastrous Chiefs-Broncos match-up of last week. The game also registered a 25% increase from MNF’s season low rating between the Colts and the Titans in mid-October.

That concludes the “good news” portion of our program.  read more

8 Comments on Weak 9: Monday Night Football

  1. Of course it’s impossible for every team to lose, it can’t happen. But, in my wildest dreams I’m hoping for every team in the nfl to finish with an 8-8 record. Equally impossible, but a great ending.

  2. I remain befuddled there are so many fans attending the NFL games and watching on television.

    I honestly anticipated more patriots boycotting the games.
    It looks as these fan’s loyalty lie with the NFL versus loyalty to those Americans who served their country honorably and their sacrifices be honored by our National Anthem.

    I guess they are sunny day patriots who a don’t give damn about the NFL thugs dishonoring our Nation.
    You are complicit heaping Shame upon this nation by supporting this blatant disrespect of our Anthem and flag.

    Pretty disgusting in my view, but it reminds me there are many half-assed patriots in our midst and others are outright hostile to America.

    All I can say is, Enjoy the game you American hating assholes.

  3. Cato, I have a couple friends that are long term season ticket holders that are making an effort to give tickets away,. There are a lot of empty seats. This is affecting the nfl. It will be really telling when next years season ticket sales are announced. A expect a lot of season tickets will not be renewed. I hope, anyway

  4. the Left, for want of a better term (‘Communists’?), has tried, for years to destroy the NFL & everything it was trying to promote … pride in team, pride in city, pride in country, pride in capitalism
    now, they have succeeded. what once was considered a Meritocracy, is now being argued as a right of Political Privilege … the ultimate destruction of any organization or system
    gotta admit, we brought it …. good job …. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Min, Pol Pot, Che, Castro & Chavez are smiling up from Hell

  5. packers v lions.

    As a lifelong Yikings fan i would have loved to see this but I didnt even know they were playing. shows how removed i am from the nfl, sadly. I would have loved to remain ignorant of their political beliefs, but they made it personal dammit.

  6. “I remain befuddled there are so many fans attending the NFL games and watching on television.”

    It’s not just the players who are dumb asses. I’ve always known that.

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