Wealthy Americans are racing to get the EU’s last remaining ‘golden passport’ before it’s gone – IOTW Report

Wealthy Americans are racing to get the EU’s last remaining ‘golden passport’ before it’s gone


For some ultra-wealthy individuals, the most powerful asset money can buy isn’t a superyacht or private jet — it’s a passport.

“Golden passports,” formally known as citizenship by investment programs, allow wealthy foreigners to receive citizenship in exchange for investing a certain amount of money in a country, often by purchasing real estate. Their less-advantageous sibling, “golden visas,” provide temporary residence permits in exchange for investment, as opposed to permanent citizenship.

For the first time, Americans are applying for golden passports and visas more than any other nationality, according to Henley & Partners’ 2023 USA Wealth Report, released Thursday. Historically, the programs have been dominated by Chinese and Russian nationals.

The record number of American applicants is the result of high-net-worth individuals “future-proofing their American lives” amid inflation, social and political unrest, and a shrinking middle class in the US, global investment expert and financial writer Jeff D. Opdyke, said in the report. More

7 Comments on Wealthy Americans are racing to get the EU’s last remaining ‘golden passport’ before it’s gone

  1. WTF!? We have two (or more) spammers/scammers now?
    At the same time?
    “Deborah” and (that perennial favorite) “Doc John”.

  2. If I were going to invest in a passport for a foreign country the last places I’d be looking is anywhere in the EU. Wouldn’t the smart places at this point be anywhere the lunatic western globalists aren’t in control and the countries aren’t in the process of cutting off children’s body parts and ending fertilizer and fossil fuel. Good riddance!

  3. One more thing somewhat related. The Markles have no where to go now, no golden parachutes for them. LMAO! The race card met its demise with the Markles. They stepped in it. Can you see them groveling to be let back in? LMAO!


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