Wealthy Preparing To Flee New York Thanks To de Blasio – IOTW Report

Wealthy Preparing To Flee New York Thanks To de Blasio


The Lonely Conservative

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s eat-the-rich policies aren’t sitting to well with the city’s wealthy residents. According to Michael Goodman, a number of them are getting ready to flee the Big Apple for greener pastures, like Florida, where they won’t be treated like criminals.

Their narrative of evil winners and noble losers clears the way for self-heroic redeemers. They will deliver social justice by meting out punishment and spreading the wealth around. Their virtue entitles them to power.

It sounds like a comic-book view of life, but it’s the reality of liberalism today. And thanks to the de Blasio administration, New Yorkers are getting a bitter taste of its divisive nature. So much so that talk about quitting Gotham is surging in some circles.

One friend says 10 wealthy people have told him they are leaving and another says disgusted New Yorkers bought $1 billion in residential property in Florida since the November election. The Sunshine State confers an automatic tax cut of about 12 percent because it has no city or state income tax, nor does it have an inheritance tax.

Beyond taxes, the mayor’s open hostility is a factor. His insulting treatment of former Mayor Bloomberg at the inauguration remains a cloud over him. As one affluent woman, a self-described liberal, told me, “De Blasio hates me, so I hate him.” She doesn’t personally know him, but draws her conclusion from his words and deeds.



24 Comments on Wealthy Preparing To Flee New York Thanks To de Blasio

  1. Soo happy I’m not invested in high-end real estate in NYC…

    Yeah, come on down to Florida, etc. Just don’t get offended when we tell you “We don’t give a shit how you did things in NYC.”

  2. Well, Florida better worry about these people bringing their left wing ideology with them. De Blasio just gave them a lesson in “keeping it real” and since it started to effect them personally they ran but that doesn’t mean they’ve seen the light. They could very well start up the same socialist leaning crap again.

  3. Same happened here in California except they went to Oregon and Washington and screwed things up there. Floridians need to tell these rich liberals that they don’t want them there either.

  4. It’s like me with my native California. I won’t ever live there again because of how it’s deteriorated socially and politically, but that doesn’t stop me from visiting Sequoia and all the places that I love, while avoiding places that I know are cesspools.

    Let them pay the taxes, and I’ll eat the cake.

  5. HURRY! All conservative states must require new residents to qualify for a gun license, display the flag of the United States of America in their front yard and sell their electric cars and buy an SUV.

  6. These leftists WILL bring their leftwing viewpoints with them. They ruined their own states and communities, but they will not learn the lessons. They will bring their leftwing voting records with them and start destroying their new state.

  7. I’m not even wealthy, and I made it my business to get out of New York City before de Blasio was elected. Among my complaints was a City Council that couldn’t do enough to drive jobs and people out of the city. Immigration, the high cost of housing, and the incerdibly bleak economy also contributed.

  8. Echoing the above, they’ll all move to Florida and continue to vote (C)ommunist.

    How dumb people got so wealthy, I’ll never know — unless it was illegally.

  9. I wouldn’t blame them for leaving, but everything this writer has said is straw man stuff, pure conjecture. I don’t like it when libs do that, nor when conservatives do it. it’s fear mongering, and when you have the right of it on your side you don’t need to do that, imho.

  10. Hitler forced the Jews to pay the train fare to the concentration and extermination camps.

    deBlasio will figure out a way to make new yawkahs pay to leave.

    And they’ll be happy to do it!

  11. Inside the “Progressive” Mind of NYC’s Mayor DeBlasio

    I was a one-time liberal, before I grew up and learned something. I was certainly not in the same class as today’s liberal-leftists in the Democrat Party and I always (ok, usually) get a good laugh at the extremes to which the lib-left goes nowadays.

    Take, for example, the new Communist-Democrat mayor of New York City, “progressive” Bill DeBlasio.

    Even prior to his November election, he courageously announced he would rescue hansom carriage horses from their involuntary servitude hauling tourists around Central Park.

    If implemented, DeBlasio’s rescue plan would send dozens of carriage drivers to unemployment lines and probably consign their well-tended horses to glue factories or cans of Alpo.

    As with all “progressives,” the mayor regards misplaced charities as more important than the well-being of human beings.

    Both pre- and post-election, De Blasio made it vividly clear that he considered the highly-effective NYPD policy of stopping, questioning, and frisking suspected criminals constituted racial profiling and was racially discriminatory.

    On assuming the mayoralty, he banned the practice, ignoring the reality that stop-question-frisk mainly benefitted blacks in black neighborhoods by getting dangerous miscreants off their streets.

    Liberal-leftist politicians proudly and invariably favor criminals’ rights over the rights of their law-abiding constituents.

    Ever-faithful to his campaign promises, last week the new resident of Gracie Mansion launched his threatened war against what are by far the best alternatives to the miserably-failing New York City’s public school system, charter schools.

    Those alternatives also happen to be the bane of De Blasio’s most avid supporters, the National Education Association and the New York State United Teachers.

    DeBlasio, the NEA and the NYSUT oppose and despise charters because, by virtue of their educational achievements; those schools accent the failures of public school systems and the mayor is counting on the products of those schools to (God forbid!) reelect him in four years.

    Last Thursday, De Blasio scrapped former Mayor Bloomberg’s green-lighting of two new Success Academy . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=36085.)

  12. A lot of states or their citizens seem to think they ought to have a say about environment laws in states up wind from them. If that’s the case, shouldn’t other states have a right to have a say in the economic policies of other states to keep their crazy electorate in their home states. Keep their political pollution at home.

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