Weaponizing Maxine – IOTW Report

Weaponizing Maxine

There’s this idea about sending a DC kookoo to NoKo. 


Could you imagine?

14 Comments on Weaponizing Maxine

  1. Dennis Rodman went, so Mad Max would just add to the circus effect. No wonder NOKO thinks he can push America around, add obama, Kerry, and HRC to the insanity pod of representatives, and you can hardly blame him.

    Sorry, there’s a new American President in office and he says what he means and doesn’t speak in hidden political doublespeak.

  2. Will need Too many translators. One who can translate crazy to english, one to translate english to Chinese, one to translate Chinese to crazy Chinese. Or maybe they can just play Chinese telephone.

  3. Let me tell you, if they wind her up and let her go full dem retard? She might just scare the NORKS into submission.

    How come Rodman hasn’t come out for a free trip yet?

  4. I wish somebody could get a photo of her before she puts on her wig, and then post it online. The demented old sow could have people rolling on their floors in fits of laughter.

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