Wearing Orange: Gun Control and Defining the New Stupid – IOTW Report

Wearing Orange: Gun Control and Defining the New Stupid

Was Chicago aware of National gun violence awareness day?  Yeah, I’d say they were aware of it by the amount of people that were shooting last week. LOL

wear orange nat gun violence awareness day

AWD: For those of you who didn’t know or didn’t care, June 2 was National Gun Violence Awareness Day. On that date, in keeping with the usual liberal nitwittery, a coalition of anti-gun organizations promoted wearing orange. Their said purpose was to draw “increased awareness” toward gun violence. The color was selected to mimic the orange vests/clothing hunters wear to avoid being shot.

I’ve become accustomed to stupid liberals using meaningless symbolism to make some sort of point, but this episode has reached an apex in the insanity that defines progressives.

Despite being heavily promoted in liberal circles I only saw one person with an orange tee shirt on June 2nd. Luckily it was an attractive young woman whose tight orange top had the UT Longhorn logo on it. QLB had the opportunity to talk to her and it was clear that she was really promoting a set of outstanding twins as well as the university she attended. She had never heard of National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  MORE

14 Comments on Wearing Orange: Gun Control and Defining the New Stupid

  1. What a novel idea…..orange should be mandated for children under the age of 18 in Chicago. Think of how many lives could have been saved in driveby shootings if the innocent bystanders were easier to identify.

  2. Well I just want everyone to know I carried my Thunder Ranch Special around all day on the 2nd and not once did it get violent. Maybe a little pissed off once or twice, but I’m proud of him.

  3. Amy Schumer ( I think I just threw up in my mouth ) had posted a photo of herself and a few of her bimbo friends wearing Orange T-Shirts on Facebook.. not knowing what was happening.. I replied with.. ” What time does your shift at Home Deport begin?”.

  4. @Burner:

    Yes, but as you use it, “peak” is a noun. Even as a verb, “peak” is always intransitive. E.g., Hillary’s popularity peaked earlier this year, but is in a state of free-fall now.

    The proper word in cato’s case which would take the noun “interest” would be the verb “pique.”

  5. @ greetingsfromyonkers

    Thank you.
    Uncle Al taught me something (fid) yesterday and you today (pique).
    That’s what I love about IOTWreport, I can always learn something and willingly accept correction.
    Even at my age I enjoy peeking at the peaks.

  6. A doctor friend of mine, who used to hang out here at iOTW, is a shooting enthusiast. She and her husband take tactical classes and shoot regularly. A couple recently came into her office wearing orange shirts.

    Dr. Why are y’all dressed alike? I didn’t get the memo.
    Pt. We’re wearing this to protest gun violence.
    Dr. What is the significance of the orange color?
    Pt. I don’t know.
    Dr. Like hunter’s orange, eh?
    Pt. Silence.

    I’m still laughing.

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