Weekend At Biden’s, Thanksgiving Edition – IOTW Report

Weekend At Biden’s, Thanksgiving Edition

Howie Carr: It’s another Weekend at Biden’s, Thanksgiving edition from Nantucket at the opulent mansion of billionaire David Rubinstein – one of those horrible greed heads Dementia Joe is always railing incoherently against.

Unless of course they’re taking care of Biden and the rest of his grifting, worthless family of scoundrels.

Let’s start with the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict last Friday. After returning from his colonoscopy, Dementia Joe did something astonishing – he said the right thing. He admitted he hadn’t followed the trial, but nonetheless the jury had spoken and everyone had to respect the verdict.

Shocking, right? He spoke like any previous president might have. He spoke like an American.

As you might expect, his caregivers at the assisted living long-term care facility at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue were aghast, and within an hour a new statement had been issued.

Now, Dementia Joe was “angry and concerned” about the verdict.

Odd, that someone could be “angry” about the outcome of a trial he hadn’t even followed. (Not that that had stopped him from earlier calling Rittenhouse a “white supremacist,” but, hey, he’s got Democrat immunity.)

Next, more Wisconsin news, this time from Waukesha. Despite the long criminal rap sheet of admitted pimp Darrell Brooks, who is now charged with mowing down dozens of Christmas parade-goers last weekend, Dementia Joe was much more concerned with due process.

He jumped to no conclusions about the murderous Democrat jailbird:

“I wanna comment on the tragedy that uh occurred last night during the Hollaway holiday parade in Wisconsin.”

Hollaway? I think he meant to say holiday. By the way, it was a… Christmas parade, Dementia Joe. MORE

11 Comments on Weekend At Biden’s, Thanksgiving Edition

  1. I hope *Biden attends a well-covered outdoor event in daytime whilst wearing a light-coloured suit; light grey or tan. AND THEN SHITS HIMSELF HORRIBLY AND VISIBLY.

  2. I loved the line in the article comparing joey to Billy Pilgrim getting unstuck in time in the novel Slaughterhouse Five. Can we also become unstuck in time and go back a year and have a fair do over off the last Presidential election? Or at least send joey to the planet Tralfamador with Kamala Harris as his Montana Wildhack and they can keep both of them there forever.

  3. LBS

    You may have touched on the real reason Kamala is the V.P.


    “Oh Yeah, You think I’m Bad, I DARE YOU to Try This One Next!”

    and that is probably how the Bed Pisser in Chief would say it.

  4. lol Mansfield Lovell FJB, remember that one time when his former boss wore a tan suit? It was the worst, nay only, scandal of his Presidency, according to the Establishment. So I could see Joe committing the same horrible fashion faux pas to give them a scandal to smother all the others. But if he shat himself visibly, the FBI would be confiscating phones and putting people in jail for even mentioning the incident. And I’m pretty sure an SUV would take a fall in the media if necessary.

  5. “Hopefully biden* is a one term president*”

    Biden was not legitimately elected, therefore Biden is not legitimately president, he is a zero term president and will never be a one or any other term President


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