WEF & Google Deleting The Internet? – IOTW Report

WEF & Google Deleting The Internet?

You’ll know nothing and be happy.

11 Comments on WEF & Google Deleting The Internet?

  1. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
    -George Orwell, “1984”

  2. Not only that, people pay to get top billing on search pages, so unless you know the direct URL you won’t see your intended search item.

    If you guys want anything saved for later use, PDF, print of save in your own system. It’s getting real out there. Real weird.

  3. There are other ‘internets’ now anyway. You just have to find someone to help you side-step this one.

    I’m not pimping the product, but one is QUX.
    Millennial Millie’s husband came up with it.

  4. If you want to know truth, you have to really dig for it. You can’t research anything with simple searches on any search engine unless what you want to know is already common knowledge. Current events you can’t read a few articles and think that you know the whole story, infact, you’ve more than likely been lied to or at the very least been withheld from knowing the entire story. This is how the left gets away with so many crimes. Sites like iotwreport are the most valuable sites on the internet because they allow the free exchange of knowledge. At the same time, it’s infuriating when you know more to the story, but are inundated with 99 out of 100 people who disagree with you because they haven’t done the legwork to learn what really happened. This is how you get dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist.” I spend the majority of my time on sites reading comments and finding tidbits of well researched information within those comments to piece together the whole, truthful, story. Google, facebook, twitter, the big name “news” sites, who don’t allow free exchange are a complete waste of your time. Their primary goal is to indoctrinate everyone into accepting a narrative, posing as news, and never allow you to know the truth, while simultaneously suggesting to their audience everything they disseminate has been fact checked, accurate, and the complete story. Horseshit, all of it. All mainstream sites provide you at best is the cover story, sprinkled with inaccuracies to push a narrative.

  5. FOR SALE All of IT 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 and 2 terra-bite sized savories. Some future space and place. Need a garage band publisher publication for advertising with a call me card. 78k RPM platters.

  6. This is why I PRINT certain articles and keep them in a File sometimes.

    It is not uncommon to read something and never see it again, co matter how hard you search

  7. I’ve noticed this was being implemented over the last 6 months. Yesterday I looked to find a video of Bill Lee’s collapse. I can find a lot of stories but none have video of the incident itself. Last week I put in an exact article heading into several searches I saw mentioned regarding Anne Heche and I could not find it on any search engine. Sometimes I put in a topic and the list back is only half a page that absolutely should have thousands of hits. Censorship on steroids.

  8. My test case is “Moon Hoax”. Not only is any real info missing, but now all the top results are dis-info. Unless you guys think anyone actually went? With lead acid batteries, kerosene rockets, and iron core calculators. Plastic film cameras! In hard vacuum. PS, Nasa to this day does not have a real space-suit.

  9. LasVegasBrad,

    Let me be the opposite side of the argument.

    Why does the fridge in my office, made in 1965-ish, still run, but a modern piece of shit fridge only last 7ish years?

    Why did jets from the 70’s-80’s fly faster & more reliably than modern shit?

    Ya’ll made it to the Moon with Armstrong, Buzz, and Collins… and BALLS OF STEEL.

    Now days Heroes chop off their balls and win “woman of the year”

    I still work on printed circuit boards that have thick ass copper trace, thick boards & very heavy moisture protection. The new shit Ain’t got that. Built in obsolescence & low life expectancy.


  10. Personally I take snapshots of every document of import, especially in the past 2+ years, print it out for safekeeping and future research, then transfer to a flash drive. Add that using ‘brave search’ isn’t much different from the lurking and sinister google, duckduckgo, and bing.

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