Weiner Shunned by Clinton-Supporting Neighbors- The blame him for Hillary loss – IOTW Report

Weiner Shunned by Clinton-Supporting Neighbors- The blame him for Hillary loss


NEW YORK CITY — Disgraced former Democratic congressman and infamous sexter Anthony Weiner is reportedly being shunned by his Hillary Clinton-supporting neighbors, who blame him for Clinton’s loss in November.

Weiner’s sexting antics became a major political issue for Clinton in October when then-FBI Director James Comey announced that he was re-opening the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

The investigation was reopened after classified emails were found on Weiner’s computer — apparently forwarded to him by wife and Clinton adviser Huma Abedin — during their investigation into Weiner’s alleged sexting of an underage girl.

Clinton has blamed Comey’s letter as a contributing factor for her defeat to President Trump — one of a laundry list of items she blames for her loss.

Now, it seems, Clinton supporters in deep-blue New York City have internalized that message and are shunning Weiner. According to the New York Post, his Clinton-supporting neighbors now blame him for her loss.

“Nobody speaks to him. He is truly ostracized,” a source told the Post. “People won’t even get on the elevator with him.”


23 Comments on Weiner Shunned by Clinton-Supporting Neighbors- The blame him for Hillary loss

  1. What’s it like to be a scapegoat, tiny?

    There reasons too numerous to recount on why Hillary lost, probably the least of which involve little Anthony and his lonely boner.

  2. It’s like Weiner is the last guy on Earth to figure out that he should either 1) kill himself or 2) move far away, change his lifestyle, and never return.

    If I lived in his apartment building, I’d leave packages of alcohol wipes around encouraging all tenants to wipe down anything Weiner touched, “just to be safe”. I’d love to wipe stuff down in his presence too, just to piss that loser scumbag off.

  3. Clinton-supporting neighbors now blame Weiner for her loss.
    The Clinton crime foundation, Bill’s BJs in the oval office, his serial infidelity, pay to play, Benghazi, selling US uranium to the soviets, destroying evidence, insider contracts, selling arms to ISIS, lying and national security breaches affecting National Security. These are things Hillary’s neighbors expected and accepted from a corrupt politician.
    But Weiner sent e-mails & pictures on the internet talking sexual trash, THAT is unacceptable.

    Weiner’s actions were of a pervert.
    Hillary’s actions were CRIMINAL.
    Obviously, Both are acceptable in NY.
    Neither have faced the full consequences of their actions.

  4. Sounds like typical Hillary supporters; incapable of critical thinking. Even if Weiner’s antics were capable of alienating democrat voters, Hillary (smartest woman in the world) should have seen it coming, and asked Huma to resign. So, once again, we are back to Hillary being the least likable candidate in U.S. history.


    But honestly, do you really want him to kill himself? Isn’t giving him a chance to possibly turn it around an option? (However, I DO think pedophiles are unredeemable)

    Has no job, lost his wife and child, is facing a stretch in federal prison. He will never be employable again.

    Just wondering if everyone’s Ok with that. He’s obnoxious and brought it upon himself, but just wondering if he kills himself, everyone is Ok with that.

  6. The not funny thing is Hillary won in places like N.Y. & CA. So, where the cancer of progtardism has fully metastasized she won. Not even this Wiener was enough to cost her those states.

    She lost where she lost because there is still enough free thinking people who were able to critically evaluate their options and be it they were drunk on Trump or be it they were anyone but her she lost. Everyday she cries about it is another day that I rejoice in the knowledge that she lost.

    Now, if we can get her to face a judge for her crimes it will be all the better.

  7. Super Patriot – I don’t think he lost his wife… yet. She filed for divorce earlier this year, but I thought I read that she dropped it. I think they’re chained to each other on the advice of the lawyers for defense of each other in this whole stinking mess of the Hillbag’s corruption with our nation’s secrets on her private server that Huma and Weiner backed up.

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