Weinstein: Harris will lose electoral and popular vote, but it won’t be ‘reported’ that way – IOTW Report

Weinstein: Harris will lose electoral and popular vote, but it won’t be ‘reported’ that way


The 2024 election is already shaping up to feel a lot like 2020. There are a lot of familiar red flags popping up, especially with all the warnings and alarm bells going off. Let’s be real—at this point, most Americans believe there was plenty of “funny business” surrounding 2020. From the free-for-all with mail-in ballots to unmanned drop boxes, late-night suitcases, “busted pipes,” and those private “ballot counting” sessions, the entire election felt off—especially the so-called “winner.”

Here we are again, dealing with the same concerns, thanks to the Deep State, who tore open Pandora’s Box back in 2020 when they tampered with our sacred elections. They made it clear to the American people that their voice and their vote didn’t matter.

Now, Bret Weinstein, a biologist and podcaster, is taking things a step further with a chilling prediction he made while chatting with media heavy hitter Glenn Beck. Bret says Kamala’s “Team Blue” will take a major hit, losing both the electoral and popular vote, which doesn’t sound all that bold, right? But here’s where things get interesting—Bret claims none of Harris’s losses will actually be reported by the media.

A new level of cheating: gaslighting.”

7 Comments on Weinstein: Harris will lose electoral and popular vote, but it won’t be ‘reported’ that way

  1. PDT won almost every “bellwether” state and district in 2020. Those locales had an almost 100% record for accuracy in determining the winner. Until 2020. PDT will win them all again this year. And a whole lot more. At the pace we’re going, we’ll be sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner without knowing who our next President will be. And we’ll probably have a different President by Halloween. Strange days, indeed.

  2. When we get up the morning after the election and they’re still counting votes you can bet the democrats know how many phony mail in votes they need to count to steal the presidency and effectively end what was once a great nation. They know no one can stop them.

  3. I have always contended that Biden, Harris, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, etc. could ALL execute and consume a live infant on the steps of the Capital building in DC and if ONLY the mainstream media was there to cover it, America would NEVER KNOW. This election is going to be settled in the streets…sadly. Elections were supposed to be the way folks ushered in “peaceful” transfers of power. That can ONLY happen when they are honest and fair. That hasn’t been the case since at least 2000, but I would likely go back to 1789.

  4. Tonight’s debate will set the cheat machine in motion.
    They will ascertain how
    many votes they need to manufacture & harvest.
    Hell, ballots have already been mailed in some states!

  5. If they steal this election my tools go into the box and the box into the garage. Done done done. Never will I work to pay taxes to support this national government again. That isn’t such a big deal really as I am eligible for SS and will of course take it, along with any and every other possible kind of ‘benefit’ I can scam off the evil fooks. Also, work for cash is a thing to be considered as well.


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