Welcome back to the Carter Years! – IOTW Report

Welcome back to the Carter Years!

Patriot Retort

Boy, I remember the Carter years. Do you?

Gas lines, staggering inflation, rising prices, a stagnating economy. The Carter years were brutal.

And with the election of Joe Biden, we are now heading back to the Carter years.

Like I always say, why is it “progressives” inevitably take us backwards?

Inflation is on the rise. The cost of energy, durable goods, basic necessities are all climbing.

Have you seen the price of lumber lately? According to the National Association of Home Builders, lumber prices rose 80% since mid-April. New housing prices will now inevitably skyrocket.

It’s déjà vu all over again.

Welcome back to the Carter years, everybody!

In North Carolina, we see the return of gas lines – something we haven’t seen since, well, Carter was President. more

23 Comments on Welcome back to the Carter Years!

  1. I was in the Navy during President Goofy-tooth’s tenure. I hated him and his entire reign of abject incompetence. But as bad as it was, it was not as bad as President Poopy-pants.

  2. I’m starting to see some BuckFiden bumper stickers on cars and mostly P/U trucks in the past week or so. I’m sorry I was suckered into voting for jimma carta in 76 because that was the Christian thing to do. Let’s hope joey doesn’t get us involved in a war in the middle East or SE Asia again.

  3. Yeah.. I remember.. true story. getting drunk at a Carter rally in St Louis Bevo Day .. shook his hand too.. drove away in my volkswagen beetle shouting “2 pennies a mile”.. and as Jerry stated a year of his crap turned me into a republican/independent.. FYI sorry Jerry.. but I’m not your daddy.

  4. Carter years, I can remember trying to get a loan from the bank to buy a suit and shoes for a job interview after getting my MS degree.
    The interest was 22%, I was turned down.
    They wouldn’t take my wife and 2 children as collateral.
    I got the job anyway.
    Still have my wife and 4 children.

  5. Was gonna make the Navy a career (reenlist for 2 years in ’76 for $9000) but left in ’78 because of Jimmy and his BS. Never know what could have been.

  6. If ONLY it was the Carter years. The shit that is accompanying Biden into office is far, far, far, far worse. Far, far, far, far worse.

    And the rotted cherry on top is going to be Kamla Harris – the worst possible person to hold office at the worst time in US history. What could go wrong, other than a military coup? (Hopefully?)

  7. Right now the price of price of lumber has added a cost of 32,000 dollars to the average new home.
    A sheet of 1/2 half cdx plywood is 50 to 60 bucks. Good luck finding 1/2 inch OSB at a good price 8 bucks now 50 a sheet.
    8 foot 2×4’s 8 to 10 dollars each.
    Copper pipe is through the roof.
    Just yesterday my plumber told me that they will be shutting down the Pex line soon because they can not get resin to make it. ABS pipe soon to follow as will PVC.
    Steel beams good luck. And I need one.
    If anyone needs tires buy them soon rubber is next.
    Stock up on beef,chicken,pork and fish if you can and put it in the freezer.
    Canned goods and all the rest,its going to be rough for the next few years.
    June 1st is the start of hurricane season how will people be able to afford to board up their homes?
    What will Joe do the help us,not a damn thing.

  8. Driving 55 sucked, it makes the trip on I 90 thru central Washington state even more boring and longer than it already is. Looking at sagebrush sucks at 70 mph and it’s worse at 55. Why not 35 like in World War 2, God forbid. I love the 80 mph speed limit on I 90 in parts of Montana, open er up and let er rip.


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