Welcome to your digital gulag – IOTW Report

Welcome to your digital gulag

Social Credit Score USA

10 Comments on Welcome to your digital gulag

  1. Good example:

    Snopes continues to fact check the satirical site the Babylon Bee. They do this to establish a “label” on the site as an inaccurate and misleading source. Once labeled by Snopes, other sites will have reason to discontinue linking, running ads or otherwise monetizing the Babylon Bee.

    Hence, another Conservative Christian website is lost in the ether-net.

  2. Many thanks to Eric “peckerface” Schmidt for his close work with Obama to plant the seeds of intrusive data gathering of private citizens.
    May he rot in hell!

  3. Welcome to The New Age Communism of yer “Social Credit Score” our “Cultural Revolution” of intimidation and unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, dictatorial “regulations” to tightly control the population.
    Have a gun? Boom! There goes yer SCS!
    Buy a gun. Boom! There goes yer SCS!
    If this isn’t nipped in the bud right now it will lead to:
    Have an opinion? Boom! There goes yer SCS!
    Think like a “White Supremacist”? Boom! There goes yer SCS!
    We will wind up being herded like sheep in whatever direction they desire. I would like to think this is only possible in a monolithic society and that the American spirit of Freedom and independence will keep this at bay, but we see the terrible effects of people being hooked on Social Media every day! This is powerful stuff that need real pushback!

  4. We all know about the spooks watching us when using smart phones, computers and other modern digital technologies, but how should I deal with my old analog toaster? That thing is sketchy as f_ck.

  5. I’m expecting HARPA to eventually be blended into the Patriot Act should there be any large scale public resistance. The Gov’t will use the well worn “it’s for our own good”. It’s not Sky-Net, it’s Social-Net

  6. Government must not use these left leaning sites for anything.
    Even if they were conservative or neutral they have no business or use for controlling the population for anything or all semblance of freedom will be lost.

  7. When your own high ranking Republican Congressshithead, who is on the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, who is fully aware of the evil of Google/Facebook/Twitter, is retiring rather than fighting the machine, who do you turn to?


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