We’ll Build a Wall and We’ll Get Philadelphia to Pay for It – IOTW Report

We’ll Build a Wall and We’ll Get Philadelphia to Pay for It

Observer: PHILADELPHIA—Much has been made of the gigantic four-mile wall that the security people have built to shield DNC attendees from the robust protests taking place throughout Philadelphia. Even People magazine noted that high-profile supporters of Bernie Sanders cannot get anywhere near the delegates they’re trying to influence and several have been arrested trying to scale the 8-foot fence that rings not just the stadium proper, but a giant area outside the stadium. MORE

3 Comments on We’ll Build a Wall and We’ll Get Philadelphia to Pay for It

  1. Hypocrisy abound.

    DNC requires an official ID to be admitted to the convention.
    Yet, no ID is required in most states to Vote in the General election (accommodates Mexican, illegal immigrants and muslims to vote illegally).

    DNC built a 4 miles fence to keep unauthorized people from near or around the Convention center and another fence in the convention center from getting close to the podium.
    DNC is against building a fence on the border to keep unauthorized people from entering the US illegally.

    Hillary is attempting to fraudulently allow undocumented illegal aliens vote for her candidacy, as well as voters illegally voting multiple times. The federal election commission has done nothing to prevent this fraudulent and unlawful act from occurring.

    Free and Fair Election? Ask Bernie what his thoughts are about free and fair. If Hillary willingly did this to her own party, she definitely employee the same fraud and lawless activity in the general election.

  2. @Charlie; I don’t think Bernie was in on it. I suspect the deal was made way back when Obama and his backers sandbagged Clinton in 2007. The broke all the rules but rather then leave Clinton bleeding by the side of the road and having a split party they promised her the nomination when Obama left. Further I think that a number of the party behind the door bigwigs whispered in Bernie’s ear he ought to run as the “conscience” of the party and he’ll get some podium time. Then it got out of hand and Bernie started thinking he had a chance to win and went for it. Once again, rules were broken and the party decision makers decided he had to be either broken or bought off, preferably both. I think that’s what happened but it does leave Trump with a great opportunity to play up the actual true face of the Dems to Bernie supporters and disaffected Dems and drive them to the Green Party. A vote for the Green is usually a democrat vote lost.

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