Well, I did it. I voted for Trump in the NJ primary. Because, #NeverHillary – IOTW Report

Well, I did it. I voted for Trump in the NJ primary. Because, #NeverHillary

WyBlog: I’m coming out of the closet.

Donald Trump wasn’t my first choice for the GOP presidential nomination. That distinction goes to Scott Walker.

He wasn’t my second choice either. Or my third.

Hell, he wasn’t my 17th choice, OK? Happy now?

But he’s gonna be the nominee. And not for nothing, anyone is better than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The nation can probably survive 4, or even 8 years of President Trump.

America as we know it won’t last six months after the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua is inaugurated.

Why? Because she’ll finish what Obama started, erasing the Bill of Rights, trampling the Constitution, coddling our enemies, ruining the economy, and opening our borders to the Mohammedan hordes and Mexican drug lords. Oh, not to mention the enshrinement of Pay-to-Play as the only way to get anything done in her White House.

Her daughter spilled the beans, say goodbye to the Second Amendment. Hillary will confiscate our guns.

Donald Trump won’t.

Hillary will appoint at least 2, and probably 3 radical left-wing justices to the Supreme Court. Justices who’ll make Sonya “Wise Latina” Sotomayor look like Oliver Wendall Holmes by comparison. Justices who won’t think twice about rewriting the Constitution to suit their social justice whims.

Donald Trump won’t.



26 Comments on Well, I did it. I voted for Trump in the NJ primary. Because, #NeverHillary

  1. If you have not heard Trump Victory Lap speech tonight you need to. His best so far by a long shot in my opinion. I caught the last half on the drive home. Even our local radio personalities were calling it his “Battle Plan”. Next Monday he’s holding a press conference on how corrupt the Clintons are. This shits going to get good.

  2. BB — The pizza dude is on his way here and we’ll queue up the speech. Thanks for the heads up. But I can’t imagine him outdoing his barn burner in SJ. Epic.

    I have to chuckle at all the grandmas who are wringing their hands over Trump’s “missteps.” He reminds me of that old saying, “If you think Fred Astaire was good, Ginger Rogers had to do it all backward and in high heels.”

  3. Congratulations. You voted for people of color and LGBT people to be put into ovens. Are you happy? There’s a white hood with your name on it.

  4. BFH, MJA, Dr.Tar, whomever. There is something wrong.
    When I sign on to IOTWR it freezes, skips, stalls, doesn’t type. Being going on for weeks. Nothing wrong with my unit. It has to be your server. Am I alone?

  5. Funny, Larry being an angry liberal is most likely down with tearing babies apart in the womb.

    Remember, only your enemy wants you disarmed (so they can subjugate or kill you).

    The Nazis loved gun control you historical illiterate. Nazi = National Socialists BTW.

  6. Yes, Larry, HRC has won the nomination, but that isn’t any reason to go getting all teary-eyed and shit. HRC and the DNC are trying to sell a “Socialism with an American Face” rather than that nasty old European-style socialism of the 30s.

    Calm the fuck down. Pres. Trump won’t allow any of the perverts or rat-people to be harmed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Heard the other night that Ginger Rogers was married (for a while) to Lew Ayres (not to be confused with Billy ‘the terrorist’ Ayers) of “All Quiet On The Western Front” fame.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Larry, if they ever find a boxcar full of gays, it’ll be because they climbed in there themselves, closed the door, and called in an anonymous tip to the cops so they can be “discovered” and blame the “haters.” Two weeks later, it’ll come out very, very quietly that it was yet another hoax and that the drama queens just needed more attention. Because equal isn’t good enough. They need to be special.

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