Well? Is he? – IOTW Report

Well? Is he?

28 Comments on Well? Is he?

  1. I am going to pull a Rat Fink.
    I am so pissed off.
    This low life plagiarism young gal sniffing butt licking asshole is now our President. No way. Not for me.
    I will never call him a president.
    He has no morals,if he did he would have called for a recount.
    Unity they call for. Fuck You.
    All they care about is killing us.
    It is coming,just watch.
    Sorry Rat Fink I just can’t muster the words like you do.
    So come on down.

  2. President Joey Basements*. He won’t be with us for long. The Progressive Socialists a salivating just thinking about it being “their turn”. Be prepared for the Anti-Private Property crowd… complete with confiscations of all kind… all in the name of “Safety”. They have learned to “Never Let A CREATED Crisis Go To Waste”… and their gonna keep doing this until we submit fully to their Idiocracy.

  3. “No man has ever treated me as bad as some women!”

    Because men let them get away with it.
    See, women want equal rights, except for when it comes to prison terms.
    Then, the eyelashes flutter and the judge is all, “you purty. heeheeheehe”.

  4. I will never give up. Let it pass and regroup.
    They think they have us down,they do not.
    We are bigger and stronger then them,never forget that.
    They are scum and cheaters, that is the only way they won.
    God does not forget.
    Have I said that I am pissed.

  5. We are now second class citizens in our own country.

    Liberal vindicitiveness knows no bounds. Read the hate filled tweets today from Hollywood leftists to see how much they hate us.

  6. Susan Rice is the real puppet master. She won’t let anything happen to Dementia Joe until two years are up. That way, Harris is eligible for two terms after that. Imagine 10 years of Harris.

  7. His state of the union addresses are going to be titled:
    ‘Live from Joe’s moms Basement’
    and even if they aren’t, that’s where they’ll be coming from.
    ‘My fallow murikans you know, the thing, BADAKATHCARE!’

  8. Speaking of jealousy, I notice that Kameltoe is already getting the attention from the Women’s magazines usually reserved for (democrat) first ladies. This won’t sit well with Jill. Haha

  9. Joey’s an embarrassing puppet.
    Who cares what happens to him? He’ll be discarded as quick as a diseased whore’s used tampon when the time comes. He’s a place holder.
    Sorry about the “Reductio ad Hitlerium” (or whatever the fuck it was) but Joey’s playing the part of Paul von Hindenburg in this coup.
    Whether Kameltoe, Pelosi, or Soros becomes the de facto fuhrer is less to the point than the fact that we allowed them the electoral fraud, the coup, and usurpation.
    Stolen in plain sight! Telegraphing the theft for 8 fucking years! Obola’s second term was fake – but it showed them that we didn’t really care.

    izlamo delenda est …

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