‘Well Said’ Kamala – IOTW Report

‘Well Said’ Kamala

Patriot Retort: Kirsten Gillibrand might be gone, but her ineptitude and “not-ready-for-primetime” spirit are alive and well in the 2020 Democrat race.  Thanks in large part to Kamala “Well Said” Harris.

While Kirsten waited sometimes years before flip-flopping and back-peddling, Kamala can’t go 24 hours without having her ass handed to her on a platter then scrambling to minimize the damage.

The latest Kamala Harris back-peddle came yesterday after video from a Friday campaign event showed her giggling like a schoolgirl after an audience member called President Trump mentally retarded.

The video leaves no question that Kamala heard what he said and instantly responded with delighted laughter and an emphatic “Well said. Well said.”

Naturally, the perpetually offended were mortified that Kamala found it so funny.  And had Kamala simply apologized for laughing and saying “Well said,” it would be no big deal.

But because “Well Said” Kamala is so monumentally bad at this, she decided to flat-out lie and claim she didn’t hear the guy say “mentally retarded President.”

She tweeted this embarrassing claim: 

”When my staff played the video from my town hall yesterday, it was upsetting. I didn’t hear the words the man used in that moment, but if I had I would’ve stopped and corrected him. I’m sorry. That word and others like it aren’t acceptable. Ever.

Get it?

12 Comments on ‘Well Said’ Kamala

  1. And all the lefties don’t give a sh-t. Being one of the anointed progressives, she can say anything, do anything, and her followers will still love her. With Biden going downhill rapidly (physically), she will be the nominee. The MSM will cover for her, ignore anything she says or has said, hell, she could have sex to get ahead (see what I did there?) and she’ll still be the nominee. She is ABSOLUTELY untouchable.

  2. “I didn’t hear the words the man used in that moment, but if I had I would’ve stopped and corrected him. I’m sorry. That word and others like it aren’t acceptable. Ever.”

    Well said, for a liar.

  3. I can’t wait until the knives have once again been sheathed and we have only one target. After all, it’s gonna be President Trump against one of these retards…sorry. Mental defectives…sorry. Mentally challenged…sorry what is the acceptable term for drooling moron this week?

    I can’t keep up.

    I guess ‘Democrat’ covers it.


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