‘We’ll see you in court’ Sen. Hawley says after publisher cancels publication of his upcoming book – IOTW Report

‘We’ll see you in court’ Sen. Hawley says after publisher cancels publication of his upcoming book

Just The News: Simon & Schuster announced on Thursday that it is cancelling publication of Sen. Josh Hawley’s upcoming book, a move that Hawley has indicated that he will challenge in court.

“After witnessing the disturbing, deadly insurrection that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., Simon & Schuster has decided to cancel publication of Senator Josh Hawley’s forthcoming book, THE TYRANNY OF BIG TECH,” the company said in a statement. “We did not come to this decision lightly. As a publisher it will always be our mission to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints; at the same time we take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom.”

The Missouri Republican described the move as “Orwellian” and characterized it as an attack against the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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17 Comments on ‘We’ll see you in court’ Sen. Hawley says after publisher cancels publication of his upcoming book

  1. “We as a publisher believe so much in the First Amendment that we will use the excuse of a false flag operation to cancel publication of a book that has nothing to do with Wednesday’s event but do cast light on the activities of our fellow travellers..”

  2. censorship is coming more aggressive that it was before. internet “by china”. Orwellian power of corporations over honest people. the truth coming from the #gold new god “In gold we trust”.

  3. I don’t see reference to the suit itself, if it has been filed, to read it.

    Does anyone know the stated legal claims on which it has been filed (the claims in the suit, not something said about it)?

  4. The purge is coming for all of us. Be prepared patriots.

    The cleansing of Christianity and American patriots has begun.

    The Deep State already has a dossier on every person who supports IOTW, its only a question of time now.

  5. Support of Simon & Schuster’s announced Brave New Publishing Guidelines

    1. is saves untold number to trees used to produce the paper, 2. saves thousands of gallons of soy based ink
    3. frees printing plant workers to work on and print Socialist ideology of the Harris/Biden/Soros Administration, as well as, other far left authors and propagandists
    4. Virtually eliminate ozone gases, soot and smoke entering the atmosphere from future Book Burnings by BLM, antifa and other leftist socialists and communists.
    5. Saves the use of accelerants from use in Book Burnings that can be better utilized in riots, Police Precincts and Federal courthouse burnings.
    6. Allows better use of personnel and resources to eliminate Pro Liberty, Pro Trump and ardent constitutionalists.
    7. The resources saved in Simon & Schuster’s effort can be spent to fund education of the Nation’s public school children to recognize, understand and support the new socialist/communist paradigm of financial and social equality for comrades in every station in life.

    The elimination of seditious and treasonous material prior to publication will push us further towards the final stage of the fundamental Transformation of the United States.


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