Well, Steve Scully’s ‘I Was Hacked’ Defense for Unprofessional Trump Tweet Just Got Shredded – IOTW Report

Well, Steve Scully’s ‘I Was Hacked’ Defense for Unprofessional Trump Tweet Just Got Shredded


The second presidential debate is done. It’s canceled. They wanted to do it virtually—and didn’t tell the Trump campaign about these tweaks first. Trump refused. Yet, before that development, this contest was heading for rocky shoals. The moderator for the second debate was C-SPAN’s Steve Scully. He’s the network’s political editor and was a former intern for Joe Biden. He shared an anti-Trump New York Times op-ed in his feed and then was caught asking former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who has now turned against the president, for advice on Twitter. Cortney wrote about it yesterday:

C-SPAN host Steve Scully was poised to moderate the second presidential debate on October 15. Conservatives had their concerns about him, considering he once interned for then-Sen. Joe Biden and has posted party pictures with 

So, with Scully already on the watch list of Trump supporters, imagine how they erupted when he tweeted out a strange question for former White House press secretary turned Trump enemy Anthony Scaramucci,” should I respond to the president?”

The tweet disappeared in a matter of hours, but the negative coverage didn’t. And now critics are demanding he resign.

Supposedly, this was not him. Get this—he was hacked. more here

16 Comments on Well, Steve Scully’s ‘I Was Hacked’ Defense for Unprofessional Trump Tweet Just Got Shredded

  1. How stupid is this Anti-Trumper? Communicating with the biggest big mouth in the pantheon of big mouths tossed out of the White House. Steve Scully exemplifies everything that is wrong with the Presidential Debates. I know! Replace him with Candy Crowley. She’s probably available.

  2. the last I read, the ‘hack’ came from his personal iphone
    and twitter won’t say if they are investigating this
    but the harris biden mob say ‘thanks’ for getting him out of a debate.

  3. And the only part of this story that the MSM will broadcast is that Trump backed out of the second debate. And the spin will either be “he is scared of Biden”, or “he is not healthy”. Or both.

  4. When were trying to get out of trouble and lying our little butts off in the effort, my Gram used to say, “I believe you but a thousand others wouldn’t”.
    I think she’d say the same about Scully.

  5. Abolish the debates. They’ve been revealed to be rigged, and they only function to inflate Sleepy Joe’s stature.

    Joe & Kampala are unserious candidates, proven liars. Shun them and their enablers, the Fake Media.

  6. Why don’t the repubs demand a conservative also be a co-moderator?
    He (Rush, Levin, Hannity) would ask Joe the questions and the liberal moderator can ask Trump the questions.

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