Well, that went in a bad direction – IOTW Report

Well, that went in a bad direction

Patriot Retort: Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Wrecking Ball .

Say, remember when the media and the Democrats thought those public impeachment hearings were going to totally get the American people to hop on board Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Train?

Yeah.  That worked out GREAT!

Public support for impeachment is dropping faster than Katie Hill’s clothes.

In fact, House Democrats who managed to flip traditional Republican House seats last year are starting to get a little nervous about supporting impeachment.

Suddenly they remembered that they have to try and get reelected in less than a year.  And Adam Schiff’s Impeachment train is looking more like a wrecking ball.

But Adam’s impeachment wrecking ball hasn’t made a dent in the Trump Presidency.

Instead, it’s heading directly at the Democrat House majority.

Show of hands.

How many knew this would happen?

Why do you think so many on the right have been daring the Democrats to run their neck into this noose? read more

13 Comments on Well, that went in a bad direction

  1. None of this matters, because the anonymous guy who wrote that anonymous NYT editorial about being a WH insider subverting Trump, and then wrote a book about being that anonymous guy, well, *that guy* MAY have been outed. And he used to get coffee for Pence or something. Seriously, this is a game-changer. Trump is moving out as I type this.

  2. The USA is collapsing.

    The US is in debt, is conducting multiple wars, is a police state, is flooded by illegal immigrants, and has become immoral.

    Americans are either ignoring the decay or think that nothing can be done to stop the decline. Almost no one thinks the US can be saved.

    No one appears to be worried about tyranny because liberals think the police state only applies to conservatives and conservatives think the police state only affects liberals.

    The truth seems to be that the elites want to wipe out the strong white men and plan to send the weak liberals to the gulags where they will be starved and killed. The 1% will then divide the wealth and land of the US among themselves.

    How else can you explain the destruction of the USA? Economics isn’t rocket science. If you want a strong economy, don’t punish hard work with taxes and regulations while rewarding laziness with welfare and allowing millions of 3rd world immigrants to flood the country.


    Those fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Sadly Americans won’t realize what is happening until it is too late.

    Never underestimate the inhumanity of man towards man. Greed has no bounds.

    Wake up.


    Pass the word.

  3. I think Dianny hit on a point that is much overlooked – the bureaucrats who testified at the hearings generally came off as pompous and entitled windbags whose main complaint is that “Trump did not do things our way.” The voters Schiff and the Democrats are trying to sway are the independents, and parading a bunch of egotistical professional bureaucrats before the American public wasn’t a good idea.

    2020 seems to be shaping up as “elites under attack,” and the elites haven’t gotten the message.


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