Well, this isn’t creepy at all… – IOTW Report

Well, this isn’t creepy at all…

Gateway Pundit: This is truly pure evil.
Pfizer was given the go-ahead this week from the CDC to give the experimental COVID vaccine to children.

Children have a greater chance of drowning, dying in a car wreck or dying from the flu than from the coronavirus.
Children are not forced to take the flu vaccine.

More children in Chicago have been shot this year than died from the coronavirus across the country.

But Pfizer sees a new market potential of one billion humans for their experimental product. And they’re going for it. more

h/t joe6pak

23 Comments on Well, this isn’t creepy at all…

  1. I have not and will not take the vax, so I have a better chance than many, many people, but I hope I live long enough to see the people responsible for all of this evil thrown in jail, or strung up for what they have done and are doing.

    I include all of the politicians, teachers, doctors, parents, bureaucrats, scientists, CEOs and everyone else that have pushed for the vax.

    I know that in all likelihood it won’t happen. But if it doesn’t, I at least hope that on their way to hell, where they will end up, they are forced to take a detour to face our God and explain themselves.

    Then I will be happy that they are all burning in hell for all eternity.

  2. Interesting. Some Libtard asshole just lost a Governors race in Virginia because he tried to get in between parents and their children.This is monumentally worse. I wonder if Pfizer makes a pill that makes their management team bullet proof? If so they might want to start doubling up on those bad boys.

    Not Me/Not Mine

  3. Hunter, you are correct.
    On the cruise boards idiots are so excited to get the vax for their kids.
    They brainwashed their kids to thinking that mom has a protective shield and they do not.
    Scaring the fuck out of ignorant children, by ignorant parents.
    Mass casualties of children will be covered up worse than Hunter’s laptop.

  4. as a teacher of young children, I have seldom seem such blatant brainwashing and intentional reversing/cover-up of the truth.

    They are using and abusing children to push their unholy agenda.

    God is taking notes.

  5. Hunter

    My story. Cancer survivor. Got talked in to getting the JAB. Zero side affects except for the third nipple. I am very active. I am convinced “THEY” are using different JABS across the country and taking notes. What else explains the pattern of what’s been going on here. Pfizer has already admitted the JAB the Israelis get is not the same JAB administered here. WTF? This whole thing stinks. Buy more ammo.

  6. Listen to this warning and make your own decisions: A few days after getting the jab I had a seizure while driving. Woke up in an ambulance. No history of seizure’s before or since. I still get weird nose bleeds and don’t seem to have normal blood clotting 6+ months later. And they want us to give this crap to kids?!?

  7. Buy Boehringer Ingelheim. They make the blood thinner Pradaxa It’s just been approved for children by the FDA.

    What? Is that ghoulish? Or is there something really f-cked up about blood thinners for kids. You tell me.

  8. after lots of consideration, i am wondering if i really want to be one of the last humans alive on the planet, on account of not bean vaccinated…..

    we know that the rich and powerful will be fine – altho probbly not vaccinated – but do i want to be the only person left to clean their toilet???

  9. so…..the only way to find out if the vaccine is safe for kids it to vaccinate all the kids and see what happens…..

    …”this is how it works”…….

    God help us…..we are too stupid to exist……


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