Wendy Rogers Nets Nearly 1 Million Signatures Calling To Decertify Arizona Election Ahead Of Audit Results – IOTW Report

Wendy Rogers Nets Nearly 1 Million Signatures Calling To Decertify Arizona Election Ahead Of Audit Results

National File-

Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers has gathered nearly 1 million signatures for her petition to decertify the 2020 election in Arizona ahead of tomorrow’s highly anticipated release of the full Arizona Audit.

“We have 987k signatures on our petition to #Decertify the Election,” wrote Rogers on Twitter yesterday. “Just 13k away from 1 million.” Rogers added that “People laughed at us when I said I want 1 million signatures. The #AZAudit comes out on [Friday]. Let’s hit 1 million before then.” more

Signature link HERE

5 Comments on Wendy Rogers Nets Nearly 1 Million Signatures Calling To Decertify Arizona Election Ahead Of Audit Results

  1. (Law clerk walks out of John Robert’s chambers with a rubber stamp)

    The Chief Justice sent me because he’s rapi…I mean, counseling a preteen girl in chambers right now. He says to expect to see more of me, because he’s bored with you guys because this is too easy.

    May I have that election suit there please?

    (Sets on desk, raises stamp)



    (hands it back)

    Have a nice day.

  2. No such thing in an election, once certified it can never be de-certified. She knows very well, but continues the false narrative of a stolen election. Your elected officials working very hard at what?

  3. How many Fridays will we be promised for the Arizona audit results?

    And if people don’t hang, either figuratively or literally, then what is the point? If it can be shown that the highest office in the land can be stolen without any consequences to tho#e who did it, then we are in deep trouble.

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