Wendy’s to Roll Out ‘High-Tech Menu’ With Prices That Change in Real Time – IOTW Report

Wendy’s to Roll Out ‘High-Tech Menu’ With Prices That Change in Real Time

A burger and fries will cost you more during the lunch or dinner rush than at other times.

30 Comments on Wendy’s to Roll Out ‘High-Tech Menu’ With Prices That Change in Real Time

  1. No, no it won’t, not with me.
    I’m not eating fast food now days because the prices are too damn high. If I have to have something I can get take out from a sit down restaurant for about the same money.

  2. I don’t eat that shit. My bodies a carnival ride. Err, I mean a temple.
    Mean while I’m eagerly waiting for another participation trophy winner speech from Nikki. There’s lots of chatter out there about her switching parties and replacing Captain Brain Dead on the Socialist Communist ticket. Strangely I can see that happening.

  3. Sorry. It won’t affect me at all. Last time I went to a Wendy’s was 20 years ago and as I waited in line there were cockroaches running across the counter.
    I ducked out. No thanks.

    Same thing with Popeyes. I was in the drive through. There was a large crow eating a drumstick as I waited. Problem was it had a huge pink tumor protruding from between its shoulders.
    Also slipped out of line.

    Gross out moments.

    Not a fast food guy.

  4. This is as bad an idea as mandating EV’s when there is no infrastructure to support them. Who in the hell will go to a Wendy’s at peak hours when there is a BK or a McD right across the street? Those places are always stacked on top of each other. Isn’t Wendy’s where you get square burgers? Who in the hell wants a square burger?

  5. joe6pak LOL, fucking biz guys wreck everything. When I first read this I thought this is like a sales death warrant. Who the fuck came up with this brain storm?
    Must be college educated. When you’re in the trenches day after day you quickly learn how to survive or you parish. Carry on my friend.

  6. My mom worked for Dept. of Agriculture in the Meat Inspection division. She said that McDonald’s had the highest quality of beef, (as burger joints go) and that she would never eat at Wendy’s.

    I don’t go to any of those burger joints. I can’t speak Spanish, so unless I order a number 1, 3, 4, etc. they can’t get my order right, anyway.

  7. I remember when Wendys actually had decent food. The last time I ate at one it was because it was supposed to be fast(it wasn’t) and I needed a fast drive thru to take food to the race track for a bunch of people.
    They were slow as molasses, it cost just as much as going to a sit down restaurant and it tasted like shit.

    So now those last minute race days where I don’t have time to cook up food to take with us, they get bologna sandwiches.

  8. There’s a McDonalds and a Wendys within a mile of me. A couple of times a year I’ll get a Big Mac attack and motor on down. Since Covid the food and the service have deteriorated badly. I think since wages shot up to $15/hr+ they’re running skeleton crews.

  9. My rule has always been…if I can’t see, or otherwise have complete trust in who is preparing my food, I don’t eat out.
    When I go riding, I pack a pbj.
    That completely eliminates fast food.

  10. I haven’t eaten fast food (except for the occasional sausage biscuit at Hardees) since 2015… Haven’t been to a Wendy’s since I don’t know when. Never cared for their food.


  11. They can just list everything as ‘MP’ on the menu, like lobster (Market Price). I get why they’re doing this, though. Maybe they will also lower prices in the off hours to drive business.

  12. So while I’m waiting for an order they can inform me, ‘sorry, the price went up while you were waiting” ?!

    Prediction: Wendy’s will see a lunch or dinner “rush” nevermore.
    And people opt to drive by a spot that has an empty parking lot.

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