We’re #1! – IOTW Report

We’re #1!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The government knows that a specific behavior spreads monkeypox but doesn’t dare attempt to discourage that behavior. They know monkeypox has spread primarily through gay sex, which is why the outbreak has been almost entirely among gay and bisexual men. But no one’s telling them to knock it off. 

24 Comments on We’re #1!

  1. Oh hell, are we going to have a monkeypox quilt? And ribbons? And some weepy musical theater of some sort?

    Maybe not, since nobody’s dying, just having to stop sodomizing for a week or two. I mean, hopefully they’re stopping or at least slowing down for a minute.


    Really. These Sodomites are adults (even if they’re not grown up). They know what to do. ANd what not to do. But they do it anyway. I guess Impulse Control is not one of their strong points. So….I. Don’t. Care. Let ’em f**k each other into total oblivion.
    Just stay away from the children. THEM I care about.

  3. The monkey sez: “Sit on it and rotate!”

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

  4. Monkeypox Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox, Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox, Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox

    Call my baby Monkeypox
    Tell you why
    His dick is sweeter than an apple pie
    And when he does his ass-jammin’ lance
    Man, I haven’t got a chance

    I call him, Monkeypox, Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox, Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox, Monkeypox
    Oh monkey monkey monkey, Monkeypox

    (apologies to The Chordettes)

  5. My local paper (a Gannett rag) ran on a story on this and very carefully skirted the mode of transmission. I made a very innocuous comment and was immediately banned.

  6. “But no one’s telling them to knock it off.”

    I don’t want them to knock it off! I want them to reap what they sow. I don’t care what kind of disease they get, I’m not a participant in their activities. They abhor hearing the words stop doing that! Leave them be and whoever is a willing participant, you will get your just reward.

  7. Sodom and Gomorrah, Greece, Rome, Babylon, Pompei were all destroyed. Only thing left in Pompei were murals of sexual activity among the population. My point is, those civilizations that practiced homosexuality, were destroyed. I can’t help but think we are no different than those civilizations. Time will tell. They’ll be another disease pop up for the gay community, there will be no cure – maybe fire and brimstone.

  8. It’s too bad it’s not more deadly. The idiots might be more concerned. . . and “flatten the curve”.
    Yeah, I know. We’re doomed.
    I feel concerned that I brought my daughter into this world of demise.

  9. We used to call AIDS the “ass injected death syndrome”… maybe monkey pox should be renamed the Beta Ass Injected Death Syndrome? BAIDS for short.

  10. Hey, Hey, we’ve got monkeypox
    And people say we monkey around
    But we’re too busy screwing
    And grooming the kids in town

    You know what we want to
    Do what we love to do
    The only time we get restless
    Is when there’s no young men to screw

    We’re just trying to be nice
    And people say we monkey around
    We’re too busy screwing
    And grooming the kids in town

    (Apologies to the Monkees, if any of them are still around)

  11. Strangely, in God’s mercy Monkeypox just might be a very painful, non lethal warning to deviant men. They need to asks God’s forgiveness though Christ before it’s too late.
    God could just as easily drop kick these perverts into Hell like they deserve.

  12. @Anon

    Could be they hope to get into the general population. If you are unlucky enough to be near a queer with the pox, all he has to do is squeeze a postule enough to squirt his diseased juice in your face, and you’ll get the pox as well.

    Keep a safe distance from the deviants.

    It’s all about saving the planet by any means possible, even if it means sacrificing some of their own.


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