‘We’re America, B*tch’: Official Describes The Trump Doctrine – IOTW Report

‘We’re America, B*tch’: Official Describes The Trump Doctrine


DC: Trump administration officials contrasted their foreign policy doctrine with that of former President Barack Obama in a series of exchanges with Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic.

“The Trump Doctrine is, ‘We’re America, Bitch.’ That’s the Trump Doctrine,” a senior White House official told Goldberg, who published the exchanges Monday, explaining “Obama apologized to everyone for everything. He felt bad about everything,” adding that Trump “doesn’t feel like he has to apologize for anything America does.”  MORE HERE

SNIP: Yes, we ARE America, b!tch! We know this.  But these quotes come from The Atlantic. So read it with some suspicion.

8 Comments on ‘We’re America, B*tch’: Official Describes The Trump Doctrine

  1. Totally legitimate article. Why, I myself have been in contact with numerous unnamed sources at the Atlantic who swore on a stack of bibles that Jeffrey Goldberg has stacks and stacks of kiddy porn in his bedroom closet.


  2. Yes read with antenna up. These doctrinaire leftists have a problem interpreting without adding their poisonous twist to the mix. Distorting meanings is a commonly used tool by people who can’t allow the whole truth to shine through.

  3. Charlie Daniels had it right –

    Well the eagle’s been flyin’ slow
    And the flag’s been flyin’ low
    And a lotta people sayin’ that America’s
    fixin’ to fall
    Well speakin’ just for me
    And some people from Tennessee
    We’ve got a thing or two to tell you all
    This lady may have stumbled
    But she ain’t never fell
    And if the Russians don’t believe that
    They can all go straight to hell
    We’re gonna put her feet back
    On the path of righteousness and then
    God bless America again…

    Thanks Charlie, haven’t talked to you in a while…


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