‘We’re going to see more’: Man tests positive for COVID-19 after getting vaccine dose – IOTW Report

‘We’re going to see more’: Man tests positive for COVID-19 after getting vaccine dose


Mission Viejo, CA (WBFF) — A California man has contracted coronavirus after being fully immunized with the Pfizer vaccine.

Health experts warn this could become more common with the variants that have emerged in the pandemic.

“Yesterday I got a phone call from the Orange County Health Department,” said Gary Michael.

And the information this Lake Forest man was given wasn’t at all what he was expecting.

“They told me that yes, I’m positive with coronavirus and they went through my symptoms and the precautions of what I should do as far as quarantine,” said Michael.

None of this would be out of the ordinary except for the fact that Michael has received both of his COVID-19 vaccines. read more

20 Comments on ‘We’re going to see more’: Man tests positive for COVID-19 after getting vaccine dose

  1. Yea, that’s because the whole damn thing is fabricated. I heard today airlines will insist on double masking, and they need to be tight fitting. Why not a plastic bag? Fauci is a movie star. Well, at least in his own mind. The dudes mental. And we’re still forced to listen to this fucking pixie. WTF? Here’s what I believe to be true. If you’re working out. Training. You’re immune. Read Ian Smith’s stuff. Did you know Covid only exists above 5 feet? It’s true. You need to wear a face diaper into a restaurant but once your seated you can remove it. Jesus Christ, how fucking stupid do these people think we are?

  2. The Plandemic Left hates Trump. He’s responsible for getting the vaccine completed ASAP. Yet, the Left trusts in the SCIENCE of the vaccine. They crave it. We trust Trump but don’t trust or want the vaccine. Everything is topsy turvy.

  3. BFD. Why is this news now?Their tests showed the vaccine wasn’t going to be 100% affective, so we knew 4 in 100 could still get it, but it would be mild and slow the spread. Like the flu vaccine This is beyond ridiculous at this point.

  4. I expect new testing rules soon. The number of “cases” isn’t politically useful now. Eliminating all tests except the anal swab would reduce the number of people getting tested.

  5. The BFD, Christy944, is that they’re planning to make the covid vacseem mandatory, either by government fiat or fascist corporate edicts. Right now, they don’t have enough for the fools clamoring for it, but in the not too distant future, they’ll have more than enough to shove in in the arms of people who want nothing to do with it, and they’re already saying that the covids will be with us forever.

  6. Thirdtwin, BFD as in some who was vaccinated tested positive with a vaccine that was not 100% effective. There should be thousands of examples by now. If you have kids, you know vaccines have pretty much been mandatory for quite some time now or your freedoms are restricted. Most everyone accepted those requirements like the mask thing. For the greater good. ‘Cause chickenpox was so deadly and such. And coronaviruses have been a round for centuries, probably a lot longer, they’re not going anywhere soon but now we can “test” for them. Yay! But I think we can probably agree, the masses are imbeciles and love this BS. Everyday’s like living a Real Housewives episode.

  7. Total active current cases: 9,586,691 – 2.9% of the population.

    Innocculate everyone with dead babies and you still have at least 10% of the population still vulnerable, or 23 million more people than are currently infected, that can still potentially carry the coof. Assuming best case scenario.

    Clearly it’s still going to be shit even if the goofs have their utopia with 100% of people stuffed with GMOs and dead babies.

    By that time they’ll be calling for 10 masks.

  8. well, that’s how tests and vaccines work. The test tests for the presence of antibodies against the virus (indicating the patient has or had the virus), and the vaccine triggers the body into making those antibodies.

    Last flu vaccine gave me the flu, though.

  9. Christy944. The mRNA vaccine is a new kind of biologic. It arguably should not even be called a “vaccine” but doing so puts it under the federal 1986 no-liability law. Although animal testing hasn’t been done on these new “vaccines” in the past when they were attempted to be developed for SARs, although the animals were fine after getting inoculated, later on when they were exposed to the real virus, 100% of the lemurs and cats died. There’s also a huge question regarding the effects of this biologic on future pregnancies.

    Bottom line: we developed smallpox and polio vaccines for dread diseases that had no treatment. You don’t inject yourself with an unknown biologic for a disease for which we have therapeutics and which has a 99+% recovery rate.


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