‘We’re not doing guns’: Elmer Fudd stripped of rifle in Looney Tunes reboot – IOTW Report

‘We’re not doing guns’: Elmer Fudd stripped of rifle in Looney Tunes reboot

Wa Ex: Classic cartoon character Elmer Fudd won’t be holding his famed rifle in a reboot of the Looney Tunes series.

HBO Max premiered the remake of Looney Tunes Cartoons last week, and the executive producer told the New York Times that weapons such as dynamite and other “Acme stuff” will be used in the series but not guns.

“We’re not doing guns,” Peter Browngardt said. “But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.”

Character Yosemite Sam will also not be using guns as weapons, according to outlet Comic Book. more

58 Comments on ‘We’re not doing guns’: Elmer Fudd stripped of rifle in Looney Tunes reboot

  1. @Tsquared – Keeping in line with all the other show norms of today, who are representing the gay couple or mixed ethnic couple?

    Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd, of course, and of course, Foghorn Leghorn and Henery Hawk will fill the pedo roles (chickenhawk is a slang term – look it up).

    Think it won’t happen?

  2. chainese cartoons
    they should have said ‘lifle’

    more education for the kids
    once the riots are over, if that ever happens, don’t forget to stay inside and watch tv. They’ll tell you everything you have to know.

  3. Tsquared
    JUNE 7, 2020 AT 3:39 PM
    “Keeping in line with all the other show norms of today, who are representing the gay couple or mixed ethnic couple?”

    …Bugs has had a couple of cross-dresser episodes where Fudd lusted after him before, as this Robot Chicken video shows (around the 2 minute mark)…


  4. The originals were a benchmark which will never be surpassed.

    Several attempts at re-booting have been pathetic.

    This latest will be no different.

    …anyway, I’ll Go first:

    Buggered Bunny
    Faghorn longhorn
    Elmer Fudgepacker
    Yosemite Ass Slammer

  5. I still have Looney Tunes, Tex Avery and Merrie Melodies collections on laserdisc. Other than the “censored eleven” I stil have a lot of them that were never (or will be) released on dvd/blu-ray. I just watched a bunch of them a few weekends ago and one was “Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips.”

  6. willysgoatgruff
    JUNE 7, 2020 AT 4:19 PM
    “Winnie the Pooh’s honey jar wasn’t in his hands…wink wink….”

    …sung to the tune of “The Rain, Rain, Rain, Came Down, Down, Down”, apologies to Pooh and the gang..

    “…and as Pooh lapped up his honey,

    His honey sucked off Pooh,

    And his tounge was twirling and twisting

    In her honey pot…”

    …about raw enough for modern tastes, but probably still too hetrosexual for Democrats…

  7. …someone should tell them that a scythe can be a penetrating object, so pretty phallic, and can’t be wielded by the differently abled, just to watch what they come up with NEXT…

  8. Ah Willy, I’m over katanas and have moved on to denigrating people who enjoy creamy peanut butter instead of crunchy.

    Smooth spreading bastards….

  9. Cmn¢¢guy
    JUNE 7, 2020 AT 4:56 PM
    “It was all fun and games,
    Until Elmer caught Bugs,
    And bent him over the tree stump.”

    …I think Bugs is more the Burt Reynolds character in “Deliverance”. Daffy would be better as Ned Beatty.

    Donald Duck would be better STILL, but wrong universe until Disney buys WB…

  10. Speedy was taken off Cartoon Network because officials deemed him as a stereotype. But who protested and got him back on? Hispanics who loved him. Geez, leave ’em alone.

  11. Don’t forget Speedy’s cousin Slow Poke Rodriquez the slowest mouse in all of Mexico who carried a big gun. The old Looney Tunes cartoons will still be funny 100 years from now just like Buster Keaton still is. No one will remember the new PC so called Looney Tunes cartoons a year from now. And isn’t the title Looney Tunes judgemental against crazy people?

  12. Looney Tunes should have listened to the old rule of the stage: Get off the stage before the lights go out.

    Sadly, the stage lights haven’t shone for the Looney Tunes gang in over a generation, yet they continue to strut and fret their hour upon the stage in the dark before an empty house.

  13. Perhaps have Mr. Fudd carry a brick or a 2×4, clad in a BLM t-shirt or an Antifa outfit. If you’re going to twist children’s minds, you might as well do it right.

  14. SNS
    Maybe Droopy would finally be HAPPY.
    Butch has Tom bent over, while Jerry lays on the ground laughing.
    Chip and Dale just didn’t go public.
    Coyote and Roadrunner could really get weird.

  15. @BigOwe

    A couple of years ago up in the Central Coast of California, a local radio station played “Speedy Gonzalez” by Pat Boone. I had not heard that song for so long I had forgotten it even existed. The PC police had probably banned it.

    I remember thinking about whether the DJ would get fired or not. I hope he didn’t.

  16. they aren’t creative enough to make up new characters?
    no, they aren’t
    they want to re-create what already is
    and ruin it
    just like they’re doing with society

  17. Animated shows I have enjoyed:
    Family Guy
    South Park
    Rocky & Bullwinkle
    and of course the Classics of the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s

  18. Remember that spate of school shootings that occured in the Sixties and early Seventies due to Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam wielding fire arms in so called “Looney Tune” cartoons

    Then Looney Toons disappeared from the airwaves, and whaddaya know — No more school shootings!

    Thank God for our moral and intellectual betters — always doing whats best for us

  19. À propos of nothing in particular…

    @Aaron Burr:

    …I’m over katanas and have moved on to denigrating people who enjoy creamy peanut butter instead of crunchy. Smooth spreading bastards…

    I prefer creamy peanut butter when making peanut butter and bacon sammiches. There’s plenty of crrrrunch from the really crisp bacon I like. But it’s creamy all the way for my peanut butter and banana sammiches. There’s room in my pantry for both!

  20. Chuckie

    There’s a bunch of these hypocrites. How many movies or TV shows don’t involve firearms? Very few. I carry every day, all day. And they piss me off when they endanger my right to do so. They won’t like me when I’m angry. LOL

    Speaking of stuff the PC police wrecked, Cheech and Chong, Fagory On The High Seas. They changed it to fugery on the high seas. What the fuck is fugery?

  21. B_B – Believe me, I do know what you mean about a lot of the celebrities and their anti-gun message, even though in fake life it makes them rich. Out of all of them, Liam Neeson sickens me the most.

    Like you, I have a concealed carry permit and carry every day and yes it pisses me off to no end how the left want to control my right to protect myself. End of rant. Be safe B_B and keep your head on a swivel.

  22. Speedie Gonzalez was a steteotype all right … of a cheerful, quick witted character who always got the best of his adversaries

    But he spoke English in a rapid animated tone (sort of like Mexicans do*) so … Adios mi ratoncito Mexicano

    *(But you dint hear that from me)

  23. I like smooth peanut butter, Burr but I aint fascistic about it. Live and let live. You wanna tear up your Holsum white bread with those jaggedy nuggets, go right ahead!!

    I say, “Let NO MAN be passing judgment on another man’s PB!!

  24. It’s OK; I’m sure a lot of us have hours of classic cartoons on videotape to show the grandkids, complete with rabbit-missing shotguns..
    Getting soooo sick and tired of this institutional propaganda BULLSHIT.

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