We’re not fighting Corona – IOTW Report

We’re not fighting Corona

We’re fighting Controlla.

16 Comments on We’re not fighting Corona

  1. Amazon sales up 200 percent. Walmart sales up 96 percent. Store front small biz all broke. It’s all connected. And there’s only one winner. China and those traitors that support them

  2. Bingo Brad, you nailed it.

    Covid is the HaMMeR and the fraudulent election is the ScOREcARd

    BeiDeng and the rest of the ACP (fka democrats) are one horse ponies: COVID! COVID! COVID! Kinda sounds like Tora! Tora! Tora!

  3. Brad is right.
    Next, you will see commercial real estate prices plummet and then the properties will be gobbled up by the commie chinks. That’s their plan to take over.

  4. Does anyone know if Kenny died from the chink flu since he dies or is killed on most every episode of South Park. Kenny gets killed more than Wile E Coyote ever did from falling off cliffs, blowing himself up with all his ACME and Ajax gadgets etc. I rarely watch South Park so I wouldn’t know if Kenny dies from the chink flu. And if he did die from it would he still be back and alive in the next episode as always.

  5. All you need to read:

    … anyone still presuming that a + PCR test is showing a covid case needs to read this v carefully:

    even 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of “positives” are not “cases.” virus cannot be cultured. it’s dead.

    by 35: 97% non-clinical.

    the US runs at 40, 32X the amplification of 35.


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