‘We’re Not Finished… Believe Me.” – IOTW Report

‘We’re Not Finished… Believe Me.”

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani reacts to the Supreme Court throwing out the lawsuit Texas presented.

19 Comments on ‘We’re Not Finished… Believe Me.”

  1. I certainly expected more from SCROTUS – looks like the Chinks own it all.
    Who else believes the whole thing, from WuFlu to this, hasn’t been a joint demo-chink plot to consolidate power?

  2. Obama was a mistake.
    But this is a travesty.
    It’s time to reconsider Belize.
    I’m done paying the dues for sloth ingrate slugs, parasites’ and treasonous scum.
    Nothing good will come from this betrayal.
    Better get your grandchildren into a Chinese language class so that they can at least get second class employment in the future.
    If you are Black be prepared for a very dismal life because the Chinese HATE Blacks even more than the Democrat pasrty does. You are fucked now. You were just sold out.

  3. “Who else believes the whole thing, from WuFlu to this, hasn’t been a joint demo-chink plot to consolidate power?”

    It’s a lot more than that, mindbogglingly more.

    The purpose isn’t a simple consolidation of power, that’s just something that happens as a part of a much larger plan takes place.

    And it’s been in the planning for much longer than you can even imagine, there’s much more still to come.

  4. “As long as disappointed people keep sending us money, we’re gonna keep pretending we can give them what they so desperately want.”

    Lin, Giuliani and Powell, Bullshitters at Law

  5. Buckle up, folks. The next four years are going to be quite a ride, especially once Dems take the Senate. Let’s hope their ‘super-majority’ only lasts two years. I really don’t think the country could take much more than that.

  6. Trump is exhausting all legal remedies as he should. Hopefully he didn’t put all his hopes into a positive outcome from them and he’s only following a process before he goes to more extreme measures. Before doing so he needs to carefully measure the public support or a bold move could be catastrophic. I know he doesn’t like to lose and he’s certain this election was stolen so I’m waiting for his next move.
    I’m not quitting on him just yet!

  7. “Don’t go wobbly!” as Margaret Thatcher said. We’ve only begun to fight, the war hasn’t started yet, so stay strong and ready for battle! Remember the patriots who fought the British and won the war. We will only lose if we let this impostor win! To hell with that! There are seventy million plus patriotic Americans who are not going to roll over and let this happen, so stay strong and fight like free people!

  8. The SCOTUS is just telling us what we should already know: this is beyond being fixed by legal maneuvering. The rot is too deep. It’s time to shit or get off the pot.

  9. Send a banana to:
    John G. Roberts
    Stephen G. Breyer
    Sonia Sotomayor
    Elena Kagan
    Neil M. Gorsuch
    Brett M. Kavanaugh
    Amy Coney Barrett
    With the note: “Thank you for officially making us a Banana Republic!”

  10. Chamberlain played brinksmanship with the Hitler to the point that he nearly gave Britain to him.

    FDR and American media played brinksmanship until Japan bombed our fleet in Hawai’i.

    Washington made his army’s miraculous escape in a veil of fog; and went on to win the war.

    There are too many examples to list of last minute changes in conditions — despite terrible circumstances and outright fumbles — to conclude that what we are now facing is fait accompli, lost.

    Stay strong in spirit with an Appeal to Heaven.

  11. @Abigail Adams – good historical call on GW, that was after the Battle of Long Island, and guess under WHOS command got EVERYONE across safely to Kips Bay in Manhattan?

    Yes, it was Glover.

    It was maybe perhaps the greatest military retreat, on that scale, there were 9,000 troops amphibiously biavaced. A specialty of the 14th Marbleheaders from Mass.

    (Kinda surpised a film has not ever been made of this FANTASTIC American Story.)


    We had out ASSES handed to up and had our backs up against the East River.

    And that was the beginning of a short career in getting GW out ‘of a bind’, probably around a half dozen times, after THAT pea soup foggy morning.

    And, he was a ONLY a colonel at the time!!

    BTW thanks for the ‘memories’…and may god bless the souls of the Maryland 400, many who gave their lives in the fight for Liberty…

    Ghost of Glover


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