‘We’re Not Playing Around’: Texas School District Security Upgrades Include AR-15s and Tracking IDs – IOTW Report

‘We’re Not Playing Around’: Texas School District Security Upgrades Include AR-15s and Tracking IDs

AAS: One school district is going above and beyond in the name of security. Guards will be armed with AR-15s, and the school will use facial recognition technology to monitor everyone coming into the building. Even students will be tracked with the help of RF chip technology, all in an attempt to become the nation’s safest school system.

The extraordinary measures, according to a report by Fox News, are based on ideas from a former Secret Service agent, who is drawing on his expertise to develop a highly ambitious security plan for schools in the Lone Star state.

“We’re not playing around,” said Rodney Cavness, the Texas City Independent School District superintendent of schools. “This isn’t some kind of little game to us. We put a lot of time, money, and effort into this.”  read more

8 Comments on ‘We’re Not Playing Around’: Texas School District Security Upgrades Include AR-15s and Tracking IDs

  1. RFID chips on every student? Leave it to the government to go from security measures to tracking people. I’m OK with armed guards. But why track the students? How will tracking all the students keep them safe? Only the government would think this way. Make no mistake, that is what the government thinks is necessary to keep the United States safe. Not an armed population capable of protecting itself. But someone from the government with a gun and RFID chips for tracking people.

    Notice how they are testing out these “security measures“ on state run schools?

  2. “…Even students will be tracked with the help of RF chip technology,”
    WHOAAAAAA, Wait a minute!!!!! This is how the shit starts.

    “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin

  3. This is dreadfully sad to think going to school endangers your life. I graduated from HS in 1962. I went to a small, country school from 1954 to 1958. The students knew who was in charge way back when. The first three years at that school, we did not have a telephone and had outhouses. I wouldn’t trade those years for anything.

  4. “We don’t need chips in the kids. ”

    My thoughts as well. Holy Crap. I also don’t believe in guys standing sentry with an AR. Those guys aren’t that hard to take out first. The key to success, in my opinion, is a couple talented individuals with concealed weapons.
    There’s a lot of campuses that you cannot harden.


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