Were Warrenistas born without the embarrassment gene? – IOTW Report

Were Warrenistas born without the embarrassment gene?

Patriot Retort:

So last night, I was tootling around Twitter when I stumbled across a picture of Liz Warren posing with one of her Warrenistas and I cringed so hard I got a cramp in my leg.

17 Comments on Were Warrenistas born without the embarrassment gene?

  1. I hope Hillary 2 wins the nomination and Trump runs her into the ground for her race fraud for all these years.

    You have your conscience removed before entering law school, we all know this.

  2. @anonymous.

    SJ(w) Lee didn’t say ‘moving’ boxes. She just said ‘10 boxes’.

    Boxes of what? 10 tictac boxes? 10 ammo boxes? 10 twinkies boxes?

    She’s not good at units of measurements.

  3. Three things:
    One, nobody wants to be yelled at by President Angry Grandma for four years
    Two, she lied for Profit about her heritage
    Three, she wants to cancel college debt after she accepted 400K per year to teach one class

  4. man, that woman makes my skin crawl. w/ the Hildabeast, you just got scared w/ the power she might weld; w/ Liz you just creep out. that woman is a repugnant reptile that knows nothing but how to game the academic system. like Christine Batty-Ford creepy. like Basic College Girl creepy (‘why didn’t I get an ‘A’? I worked so haaaaaaaaaaard. it’s not faaaaaaaaair!)

    Hillary is at least competent enough to know how to get a body buried … Liz couldn’t do if you dug the hole, shoved the body in & handed her the shovel

  5. WTF is wrong with peepul? I just don’t get the whole “fanboy” mentality. When I was six or seven, the family went to see Vincent Price perform a monologue…. I (through my eldest sister) obtained his autograph. I recall that we were mesmerized. That ended my “fanboy” days.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Liz Warren reminds me of the grade school principal who scolded me for being a bad boy. If, by some bizarre set of circumstances she should win the nomination, I may have to turn off my TeeVee until the election is over.


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