“Werewolf Halitosis” – IOTW Report

“Werewolf Halitosis”

12 Comments on “Werewolf Halitosis”

  1. I may watch the SOTU IF and only IF iotw has a SOTU thread that we can comment on as it airs.
    We used to do that here but not so much anymore…sigh.
    ~ We had it all, just like Bogey & Bacall…

    I like getting drunk and making rude, crass, snarky & invective commentary about assholes that are destroying the country.
    Otherwise I may simply go on a mass shooting spree.

    So, iotw, will we have a SOTU thread?
    Please thumb up if fellow iotwers and anon idiots would like a thread.
    – Loco

  2. I would pay good money to see a President Trump SOTU rebuttal where he tears the text into shreds, defecates on it, pisses on it, vomits on it and puts it in a garbage disposal and flips both fingers to the powers that be and breaks into the Wolf of Wall Street speech of “I’m not leaving!”

  3. I can’t wait to watch the State of Dementia Address. It’s being given by a Master of Dementia. It’s going to be absolutely fascinating watching this dumb bastard attempting to claim his first year has been successful. Everything Dementia Joe claimed to be good at has blown back in his face, and he’s destroying the Dementiacrat Party. Obiden Bama is the Full Catastrophe, and his fellow Dementiacrats know it. I’ve got my choice of celebratory libations on hand, a comfortable chair, and a loyal dog by my side. FJB!

  4. I will know all I need to know tomorrow, when the blooper reel goes out. Plus, I just bought this new TV, and throwing a shoe through it is not in my immediate budget.


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