West: Homeland security chief should resign immediately – IOTW Report

West: Homeland security chief should resign immediately


AllenBWest– I continue to be amazed at those who believe it’s unnecessary to clearly define Islamo-fascism or Islamism as a driving impetus behind Islamic jihadist and terrorist activities. Recently, speaking before the African Union, President Obama referred to Islamic terrorists as “murderers.”

That sort of dismissive ignorance relegates Islamic terrorists to the same level as a common street criminal who just shot someone in Chicago — ever heard Obama address the “killing fields” of his own hometown? MORE


4 Comments on West: Homeland security chief should resign immediately

  1. Resign…? This a$$wipe should have never been confirmed and was only confirmed because Harry Reid changed the 60 vote margin for Senate confirmation. He’s also the lawyer who engineered the ban on lifting sodomites serving openly in the military.

    He’s adamently stated that American citizens do not have immunity when at war with the US and let’s not forget who DHS considered the enemy under Janet Napolitano. He’s stated that only the executive branch is equipped to make military decisions about who qualifies as the enemy, and again, you know where this administration stands on that issue.

    Johnson’s got huge ties to the muslim brotherhood and says he’s personally committed to “giving voice to the plight of muslims and the discrimination they face in this country” RUFKM?

    And, his grandfather is the commie civil rights leader Charles S. Johnson. No doubt about it, Jeh Johnson is a dangerous nutbag.

    Don’t let anybody kid ya—America is being overthrown from within.

  2. Lt. Col. West is being generous.

    Jeh should be swinging from a rope – just for the Americans killed by Illegal Invading Rat-People – not to mention the border, the infiltrating jihadis, &c.

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