West Virginia Forbids Credit Card Companies From Tracking Gun Sales – IOTW Report

West Virginia Forbids Credit Card Companies From Tracking Gun Sales

WFB: The West Virginia legislature last week passed a bill that would throw up a roadblock to prevent credit card companies from using a special category to track gun purchases, the first sally in what is likely to become a protracted political battle between the left-wing bank that spearheaded the initiative and Republican lawmakers across the country.

The move by the West Virginia state legislature follows expressions of concern at the state and federal level over the creation – at the behest of Amalgamated bank, the left-wing financial institution that services Democratic campaigns across the country – of a special designation, known as a merchant category code, for purchases made at gun stores.

It’s another indication that Amalgamated has dragged the credit card industry into what could be a protracted political battle: The bill’s passage follows on the heels of a letter from 24 Republican attorneys general sent a letter to credit card companies in September warning them against any effort to track or monitor gun sales.

Gun purchases were previously categorized as sporting goods, but Amalgamated last year led a successful campaign to create the new category, alongside existing categories for goods like groceries, airlines, and transportation. MORE

More on Amalgamated Bank here.

8 Comments on West Virginia Forbids Credit Card Companies From Tracking Gun Sales

  1. Just don’t forget Everybody. Life is short. Once you attain advanced years, for most of you, it will always be just a BEAUTIFUL DREAM upon this beautiful Earth (and everybody in it). So, don’t be so cynical. After witnessing the march of present-day Democrats, God likely gave the rest of us a soul. Apparently, they don’t need one.


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