West Virginia mayor reinstates city’s ‘Christmas Parade’ after widespread backlash – IOTW Report

West Virginia mayor reinstates city’s ‘Christmas Parade’ after widespread backlash


A West Virginia mayor seems to be out of the doghouse after reversing a controversial decision to change the name of an annual Christmas parade.

Mayor Amy Goodwin made a quick about-face after announcing Monday that the annual “Charleston Christmas Parade” would be renamed as the “Charleston Winter Parade,” sparking an immediate backlash from the community, church leaders, and local lawmakers. more

16 Comments on West Virginia mayor reinstates city’s ‘Christmas Parade’ after widespread backlash

  1. FTA: Goodwin’s announcement and subsequent attempt to address the changes to the capital city’s tradition earned more criticism despite her appeal to encourage inclusivity….
    One of the new rules for the parade included a ban on any religious figures being depicted.

    We’re all about diversity and inclusivity…..just not your kind.

  2. Stupid bitch should be voted out of office for even trying. Typical asshole politician, bowing to the least tolerant minority by fucking the majority. A hand full of atheist assholes get to fuck everyone out of a Christmas parade. A handful of degenerate faggots get to destroy religion. A handful of Muslims get to decide what everyone can eat.

    Fuck… This… Shit.

  3. Why do the idiots think that “ diversity and inclusivity”, EXCLUDES Christianity, or patriotism, or AMERICAN tradition, or EVERYTHING not sharia compliant. What the hell is wrong with them?

    The minuscule numbers of deviant sexual or gender population divergents are ruining our children and taxpayers are allowing it by being ‘tolerant’ of what is presented to our children.

    Childhood is gone! Nothing is safe, school, movies, tv, games, dolls, toys, Public libraries. Even campaigning candidates who pander to the lowest denominator voter and even use profanity on live TV (BETO). If BeatlebrainBeto keeps running, he will being saying the f…, soon.

    Stop complying, stop being overly tolerant. This is our United States. God Bless the people of Charleston for standing against the insanity of the left.

    Tolerance goes all ways.

  4. Stupid fucking liberal cunt.

    You do understand that the illegals are far more likely to rape you in the alley during your “winter” parade than the Christians don’t you?

    Look at the crime statistics.

    And the dirty, yes, they wipe their asses with their hand, they’re dirty, muzzies think they can fuck you whenever they want, and beating you is a part of life.

    But, yes, let’s be inclusive. You stupid fucking bitch. We should just send you to Dearboristan Michigan and let them have at you. You could be “included” in a hareem and raped and beaten on a daily basis.

    You deserve it. You and your kind bring absolutely nothing to society and your loss would be a benefit.

    Fuck off.

  5. Also an equal opportunity employer. People of European descent, males, Asians, heterosexuals, religious folk (Muslim excepted), Republicans, people who are against killing babies and blacks/hispanics who do not blindly vote for Democrats need not apply.

  6. http://www.city-data.com/city/Charleston-West-Virginia.html
    Scroll way down to see the religious statistics.
    This is where the mayor probably got the data to support her original decision. 2/3 of the population don’t adhere to any religion.
    Of the 1/3 who do, almost ALL of them adhere to Christianity. They are the ones who made the fuss to force her to reverse her decision. The rest don’t give a crap.
    There is only one synagogue and one mosque in the city.

  7. Good Lord. She worked on bolt neck’s presidential campaign. She was in the snooz business. What did they expect?

    WV’s history of corruption is nearly as bad as Louisiana’s. There are still a lot of entrenched bad actors there that never stopped. While business as usual may never die there, the new woke idiocy will take a long time to get its hooks into the place. Efficient of them to start in Charleston. Frankly, I’m surprised this didn’t start in Shepherdstown, where there’s closer proximity (a lot of the smarter fed employees have bought there and will commute until retirement) to the swamp, a college, and a lot of artistes.


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