Western Kentucky U. president: NO slavery reparations despite student gov. resolution – IOTW Report

Western Kentucky U. president: NO slavery reparations despite student gov. resolution

College Fix: Despite a student government government resolution calling for free tuition for black students as a form of reparations for slavery, Western Kentucky President Gary Ransdell said that’s not happening.

The news of the resolution made national headlines, and co-author Andrea Ambam was featured on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Passed by a vote of 19-10, the measure said that mere financial aid (for black students) was insufficient to cover college costs, and that minority underrepresentation in faculty and administration sends a “message to students of color that they are undervalued at our university.”





17 Comments on Western Kentucky U. president: NO slavery reparations despite student gov. resolution

  1. Davy – I would go one step further and say that the 19 students who voted for the reparations will have their tuition raised to pay for this nonsense. No need to punish the students who would have said FU to this from the get go.

  2. “and that minority underrepresentation in faculty and administration”

    I wonder what the percentage number of ethnic faculty is, compared to national percentages.

  3. Here is the dangerous example of democracy in action.
    There are people that have no qualms about handing out benefits to just about anyone for any reason.

  4. These students should be presented with an opportunity to personally pay the tuition of every black student they want to pay reparations to. Let’s see how many sign up.

  5. You want reparations?
    Here are your reparations..
    Go get your DNA tested to show where your ancestors came from.
    Is it from one of the countries in Africa?
    Good. Now go there. Spend a month.
    The vaccinations prior to your trip will be your first wake-up call.
    So spend a month there. Not in a gated resort, but out with your people. The kind of people who would have been rounded up and sold. The poor, and the rural.
    Now imagine what your life would be like if your ancestors had not been brought to America, and you grew up there. What would your Mom’s life be like? Your children’s? What would your level of education be?
    Then come home and go past that Marine saying: “Welcome home, Ms. So and so” and enjoy the infrastructure, the potable water, the freedom from the common maladies like cholera, and the Ts e-tse flies, and bask in the absolute richness and relative splendor you live in.
    Then shut the fuck up.

  6. Reparations were already paid. It is was paid in the blood on both sides of the American Civil War.

    Not a single person alive today was a slave nor a slaveholder, so STFU already.

  7. Screw reparations. I vote to pay for repatriations. Do a DNA test and lets find out which African shithole they originated from and buy them a one way, 1st class ticket on the airline of their choice and 1 year of the average salary of said shithole.

  8. Not one cent in reparations until the blacks pay back the trillion of dollars given to them through President Johnson’s Great Society Movement. Tack a couple trillion for all the jail and prison time. Then, if they really want cash doe? Sue the muslim slave traders in Africa.

  9. Ahhh, a rarety! A college prez who doesn’t back down from these marbleheads! Personally, I think the 19 idiots that voted for this stupid resolution should be ousted from the campus. Useless twits!!

  10. All the college administrations will show some spine when their #1 priority is threatened – their massive govt. subsidized loot pile that gives them such a luxurious free ride.

  11. Many blacks have said reparations will NEVER end. Do not start them now. None of my family – nor 99.9% of all American families – owned slaves, even the people from the Confederate states. judgeroybean has it exactly correct – anything ‘owed’ has already been paid back with usurious interest.

    Some of my ancestors fought and died in that war on both sides – where’s MY reparations… or even thanks?

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