Western Media Confirming Russia Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine Donbas Region – IOTW Report

Western Media Confirming Russia Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine Donbas Region

The Associated Press [HERE] and more importantly the U.S. Intel Community outlet, the Washington Post [HERE], are beginning to change direction in their narration of the war in Ukraine.

Both sources of information are starting to position Eastern Ukraine as a lost cause, with the Washington Post giving specific examples of conscripted Ukraine fighters who are abandoning the effort in the donbas region.  As noted, “after three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions. The volunteers were civilians before Russia invaded on Feb. 24, and they never expected to be dispatched to one of the most dangerous front lines in eastern Ukraine.”

The Ukraine commander, Serhi Lapko and one of his lieutenants, Vitaliy Khrus, “retreated with members of their company this week to a hotel away from the front. There, both men spoke to The Washington Post on the record, knowing they could face a court-martial and time in military prison.”  Together, Lapko and Khrus describe the essential elements of a fragmented Ukraine fighting force up against a committed Russian military advance. more

9 Comments on Western Media Confirming Russia Solidifying Gains in Eastern Ukraine Donbas Region

  1. The Donets Coal Basin – what could Putin possibly want there?
    Hmmm … wobbles the mind …

    Yes, a Sudetenland of sorts: “During the reconstruction of the Donbas after the end of the Second World War, large numbers of Russian workers arrived to repopulate the region, further altering the population balance. In 1926, 639,000 ethnic Russians resided in the Donbas.[33] By 1959, the ethnic Russian population was 2.55 million. Russification was further advanced by the 1958–59 Soviet educational reforms, which led to the near elimination of all Ukrainian-language schooling in the Donbas.[34][35] By the time of the Soviet Census of 1989, 45% of the population of the Donbas reported their ethnicity as Russian.[36] In 1990, the Interfront of the Donbass was founded as a movement against Ukrainian independence.” (Wikipedia)

    America STILL has no national interests in Ukraine – other than money-laundering by Biden, the Deep State, Drug and Arms Networking, et al.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The Olive Drab Dictator has become what he professes to hate in Putin. Maybe what remains of the AFU will turn their guns on him in the near future and send him into exile at his mansion in Miami. Or Italy. Or even farther beyond.

  3. This was baked in from the get go. Pouring in a fast $50 BILLION was nothing more payoffs and did nothing but get a lot of people needlessly killed.

    And had Putin not pulled his punches, multiples of the death count would have ensued.

    Our government is a criminal cartel. They are acting this way for 1 reason and that because they believe they have a monopoly on dishing out violence to us rubes.

  4. “… they believe they have a monopoly on dishing out violence to us rubes.”
    They believe that because it’s true.
    The state has reserved the right to violence since they came into being.

    If the violence is within the structure of the “law” it is considered acceptable.
    If, however, the violence is at the whim of some tyrant (or that tyrant’s henchmen) it denotes “unjust law” and a bogus state.
    Biden’s America, National Socialist Germany, Soviet Socialist Russia (and its satellites), Communist China, Castro’s Cuba, Ortega’s Nicaragua, Hoxha’s Albania, Tito’s Yugoslavia, North Korea – ALL are (were) tyrannies due to the amorphousmous of the “law” and the arbitrary use of violence.

    The state’s reservation of violence isn’t the problem so much as the arbitrary use of that violence – “equal justice before the law” and all that bullshit.
    The “law” is only a weak reflection of “justice.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Russia has won the battle via attrition.
    Biden will have $50 billion dollars of egg on his face.
    We will carry the debt long after he is committed to the old folk’s home.
    Democrats are not happy if they can’t burden America with wasteful spending.

  6. “..are beginning to change direction in their narration of the war in Ukraine.”

    Is that like when Barki’s stand on same sex marriage “evolved”??

    IOW, the initial position was a bald LIE and they think we are stupid enough to buy their BS.

    MUCH more than $50 Billion was laundered, the price of oil is $115 and climbing, thousands of lives were lost, European nations have been shredded and composted, Zelensky and his cronies will escape to the UK as newly minted billionaires any day now.

    Big crime pays big.

  7. “… they believe they have a monopoly on dishing out violence to us rubes.”
    They believe that because it’s true.

    So far. Things that can’t go on, don’t.


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