“We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.” Really? – IOTW Report

“We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.” Really?

JihadWatch: “We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.” So claimed Hillary Clinton during the second presidential debate. This was part of her response to Donald Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslim immigration, which appears to have metamorphosed into “extreme vetting.”

Some analysts trotted out the familiar lines about Muhammad Hamilton and Abdullah Hancock. At the risk of stating something I may not have stated before, Mrs. Clinton was right. Muslims who had been enslaved by other Muslims (against the dictates of Islam not to enslave fellow believers), as well as Muslims kidnapped and press-ganged into slavery by non-Muslims, were enslaved in the US at the time of the Founding.

Like many others I found her comment strange in isolation, as a defense against Mr. Trump’s previously proposed ban. Many things have been around for a long time. Some are good. Some are bad. Some we want more of, some less. The relevant question isn’t whether Islam and Muslims have been in America since the time of Washington, but what their presence has brought to America.

If Common Core history books, funded by Libya, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, are to be believed, Islam has been nothing but a force for good, everywhere in the world. Nothing different will be presented in most college courses dealing with Islam. One interesting tidbit from a recent study on academics is that history is in fact the most imbalanced academic discipline, with a ratio of 36 liberals to every one conservative.

Since our history books and education more generally tend now towards whitewashed disgrace, it’s worth digging into the history with a critical eye.  MORE

11 Comments on “We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.” Really?

  1. “We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.” Really?

    Yeah, they were defending themselves against the Barbary Pirates.

    No political correctness back then to inhibit the founders from kicking their smelly hydes out of the area.

    Should have fed every last one of them to the sharks.

  2. Islam was the main reason for the creation of the US Navy. So we could protect our trade and nation against them.

    Someone should ask Hillary what she has against upholding the laws on the books, and why it’s okay for her and her ilk to ignore and break them, vs. someone else doing the same. It’s not about “immigration.” It’s about them ignoring and thumbing their noses at the laws that protect this country. They are breaking the law and ALLOWING an invasion. They are traitors and should be hung for treason.

  3. Another thing , Clintons talking more an more like obama
    he has said the same thing about muslims always having been part of our Culture.His Pie in the sky version.
    Lord Help us.

    Annie Go Trump Gotta Go Trumps on the Savage show right now.

  4. There were no legal Muslims in this country at the time of its founding but is an indisputable fact that we have had a goat dicking, America hating, pervert loving Muslim in the White house for the last eight years and many, many more like him are on the way!

  5. Hee hee – I just talked to a preacher friend on the telephone. I had left a message for him to call me, and when he called back and asked me what I wanted, I said I wanted him to vote for Trump. He laughed, and said don’t worry – “I’m not going to vote for the devil” (meaning hillary).

  6. Two things that Trump said on the stump last week with great emphasis: “I will not let one ISIS/jihadi/terrorist into the U.S.!” and “Why would a president allow anyone into our country that would potentially cause so much horror and pain to our people?! It’s heartless.”

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