WH: All Immigrants Being Screened For Ebola – IOTW Report

WH: All Immigrants Being Screened For Ebola

WASHINGTON (WNB) – The Obama administration is attempting to reassure the nation that they are screening immigrants coming across the border for the Ebola virus. MORE

19 Comments on WH: All Immigrants Being Screened For Ebola

  1. Okay screen immigrants, but how do the ebola germs know if they are on an immigrant or just someone who is visiting?
    I just came home from abroad ( Europe) not Africa whew..
    I was one of 6 ‘randomly’ chosen from our full flight for special screening. While the plane was a mix of male / female and all ages, 5 of the 6 of us ‘randomly’ chosen where middle aged white guys, the other was male and slightly darker and younger. The special screening was a wipe down for explosives and emptying my carefully packed backpack into 4 tubs and running them thru the same machine that the backpack had been thru while filled. This allowed me only minutes to make my flight. That was in Vienna
    Upon arriving in Chicago, the woman glanced at my passport and said ‘ have a nice day”
    If they want to screen for ebola or any other contagious disease yet to come, they are going to have to change customs to include a full physical.
    Might as well we already take pretty much everything off to go thru security as it is now.
    So bring on some docs and the thermometers and have a bend over.
    While it sounds good in theory to screen better, the shear number of folks on international flights coming and going daily I see no practical way of doing it.

  2. How many cases of Entrovirus, hepititis C, TB and other nasty diseased carrying maggots have crossed the border into the country and now we are going to all of a sudden start screening for ebola?

    Senor, are you sick?

    No, no no enfermo!

    Ok, you’re good to cross the Rio Grande!

  3. 70% of all government middle managers I’ve worked with would consider this to be an adequate precaution. They only care about diverting blame; not stopping disasters.

  4. This is starting to seem like the Swine Flu thing they were trying to scare us with in the beginning of O’s reign. I live here in South America and the form we had to fill out upon re-entering after a 4 month leave was much more involved than the one pictured in this post.

  5. Will never forget sitting on the tarmac at Ali Al Salem Air Base in ’09 while some freakin’ Kuwaiti was taking the temperature of each and every newly arriving US SM before they could disembark since we had Swine Flu back home. So much for all of us being immunized and saving their bacon in the 1st Gulf War.

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