WH Doc: Trump ‘symptom-free,’ has COVID-19 antibodies after hospitalization – IOTW Report

WH Doc: Trump ‘symptom-free,’ has COVID-19 antibodies after hospitalization

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And- Biden says there shouldn’t be second debate if Trump still has COVID-19.

8 Comments on WH Doc: Trump ‘symptom-free,’ has COVID-19 antibodies after hospitalization

  1. poor Pedo Joe … he wanted so bad to cancel the 2nd debate

    … now his handlers have got to come up w/ something to stop the hemorrhaging … especially since Kammie didn’t push the ball into the opponent’s territory once tonight

  2. I think cancelling the second debate might actually help Trump.

    Wallace stacked the deck against Trump the first time.

    I barely watched tonight because of Kalamata’s voice, but cutting off responses to questions on both sides resolved nothing.

    In a 3rd debate, they will go out of their way to Handicap Trump.

    I think he should give another small rally and show that he is as strong as a bull.

    Biden can go and creep out more young women and tell them he wants to watch them dance in 4 years. (like he would be sentient then)

  3. Soooo,,,,Trump won’t have to wear a mask during the second debate?
    The President’s homies ought to find the frequency that Joey’s going to be using in his earbug during the next debate and shut it down 15 seconds just before the first question is asked. The expression on his face as he realizes he’s going to be on his own and Trump is bearing down on him like a Great White on a seal.


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