WH staffer’s email is hacked: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton’s private schedules, Secret Service plans, and Michelle Obama’s passport – IOTW Report

WH staffer’s email is hacked: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton’s private schedules, Secret Service plans, and Michelle Obama’s passport

DMUK: The email of a White House staff member has been hacked by DC Leaks, revealing what the group claims is Michelle Obama’s passport.


In addition to the staffer’s correspondence with other White House workers, the emails also reveal detailed schedules for members of the Secret Service, the First Lady and Vice President Joe Biden.

The young staffer also appears to be heavily involved in organizing events for Hillary Clinton.

White House press secretary said of the situation on Thursday: ‘We take any reports about a cyber breach seriously, particularly if it contains some sensitive information.

‘Certainly, this is something we are taking a close look at.’

DC Leaks said in an email: ‘The leaked files show the security level of our government. If terrorists hack emails of White House Office staff and get such sensitive information we will see the fall of our country.’

The hack also revealed a Power Point detailing the recent trip of Vice President Joe Biden to the Intercontinental Hotel in Cleveland on June 26 of this year.

The detailed report includes how many stairs Biden will be walking up as he arrives at the hotel loading dock and makes his way up to the second floor of the facility.


8 Comments on WH staffer’s email is hacked: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton’s private schedules, Secret Service plans, and Michelle Obama’s passport

  1. “The young staffer also appears to be heavily involved in organizing events for Hillary Clinton.”
    Is this not less than legal? I am sure the DOJ or FEC will be looking into it…ahem…cough…cough.

  2. “The messages were all taken from the staffers GMail account starting back in 2015, while the individual was still in college, through this past July.”

    ANOTHER *secure* (/s) government system………

  3. Depending on how many tinfoil hats you own, Gmail **IS** a government system.

    See, since the CIA funded the google startup and since google is involved in the NSA spying and since teh goog visits the white house like, every week almost.

    And since google also is modifying search results in favor of Hillary.

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