Whaaaat?!!! It’s DOCTORED?!!!! – IOTW Report

Whaaaat?!!! It’s DOCTORED?!!!!

Patriot Retort: Good grief.  The media are a bunch of moronic saps.

Yesterday, President Trump tweeted out this hilarious video meme by Carpe Donktum:

Never fear my friends! The media is on the case!

15 Comments on Whaaaat?!!! It’s DOCTORED?!!!!

  1. That video cannot be true, my President Joe would not touch himself so improperly like that, it’s probably one of those computerized body doubles touching him, or a clone! Repent to Saint Vesuvius, patron saint of holy backrubs, that he forgive your blasphemy against my President Joe, and that he would touch me like that.

  2. Thank God the media told me that was “doctored”….I was totally fooled and really scared that there were two stupid Joe Bidens out there fondling young girls. Whew, dodged a bullet there.

  3. Funny stuff… love it.
    But he will start playing the “I have a dead son” card… Beau was it ? You know… Beau loved it when Dad hugged him… blah blah blah

  4. I have noticed the “fact check” section of our local newspaper seems to only address conservative memes that most people know are agitprop. Or they are of the variety “this meme claims 16 million illegals are in the US, but we found the number is really 15.9 million, so we rate it ‘false'”.

  5. Either using the distraction technique or as dense as Chelsea “Please Tell Me It Is Photoshopped” Clinton (when seeing the image of Lincoln wearing a MAGA hat).

  6. I can attest that the Left can’t meme. I visit imgflip.com quite a bit. Although it is not billed as a conservative site, I have yet to see a single lefty meme in their political category.


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