Whack the Vote: Dem Dons Bump Off NY Primary as Biden Skips Scrutiny – IOTW Report

Whack the Vote: Dem Dons Bump Off NY Primary as Biden Skips Scrutiny

When Dem dons decided to whack the June 23 NY primary vote, Bernie Sander’s supporters cried ‘Foul!’ It means a beleaguered Joe Biden — accused by Tara Reade of a 1993 sexual assault, and looking perpetually befuddled on camera — skips scrutiny and goes from presumptive, to anointed, presidential nominee.

5 Comments on Whack the Vote: Dem Dons Bump Off NY Primary as Biden Skips Scrutiny

  1. Democrats the party of cheating, killing babies, promoting queers, promoting musilms, supporting anything to destroy America, pedophilia and colluding with China to manufacture this phony flu bullshit.
    Time to get the rope.

  2. Joe is perfect to represent the democrats – corrupt, demented, racist, abuses women and children, authoritarian, reactionary, mean, decrepit, and a crony socialist pig. And he has quite a wonderful son to prove what a stellar influence he was as a father. Keep him, remind us all who they are.

  3. If you know any Bernie supporters (even if it was to exchange insults) it would be worth it now to see if you can agitate them enough for them to turn disgust into action. Let them know that it was unfair for Bernie to get sandbagged twice by the Democrat shadows that rule the party. If they get pissed enough they’ll try to organize a write-in for Bernie, maybe a stay at home (would be the best as that would also lose a Senate/Congress Dem vote) or even a Trump vote.


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