What are the harms of lockdown? – IOTW Report

What are the harms of lockdown?


You would think that governments always do a cost-benefit analysis before embarking on a certain course of action, especially if it is likely to have significant effects on many different aspects of society. The global lockdowns in response to the covid pandemic probably constitute the largest, most extreme measures taken by western governments since the second world war. So, you would think a careful cost-benefit analysis would have been done before the decision was made to lock down.

Apparently, if you thought that, you would be wrong. As far as I am aware, not a single government anywhere has presented a carefully deliberated cost-benefit analysis, in which they look at all aspects, and then explain why they think lockdown is the right decision, in spite of all the likely harms.

Since no government has bothered to do this (at least publicly), we’re going to help out. This article will by no means be exhaustive, since the harms are innumerable, affecting every aspect of life. Instead, I’m going to focus on two things that I think are representative of wider harms, cardiovascular health and children’s health. read more

14 Comments on What are the harms of lockdown?

  1. What are the purpose of the lock downs?

    The communists know that the revolutionary war was planned in bars and taverns. They want you at home, on the internet, where they can watch you.

  2. Anyone given any thought to the possibility that the lockdowns are just an outgrowth and distraction from something much, much larger that is going on?

    Keeping people from noticing it prematurely as such?

  3. Just like major US cities with the most stringent gun laws suffering from out of control gun violence, the states that have the worst lock down regulations are getting their asses kicked in covid infections;


    ” The Southern California region reached 0% ICU capacity amid a record-breaking surge of COVID-19 cases across the state. …

    On both Tuesday and Wednesday, California recorded more than 50,000 new cases of the coronavirus, according to the state’s website. For perspective, Brazil, which is experiencing one of the world’s worst COVID-19 outbreaks, recorded just over 70,500 cases on Wednesday, according to the New York Times. If California were a country, it would be among the world’s top outbreaks.”

    The problem is that the Stalin-lites will just double down on the insanity.

    All day I have been getting alerts on my phone ,”Emergency Alert-Severe, All Bay Area Counties are now on strict stay at home guidelines. Essential travel only is permitted”. Looks like me and Anne Frank are going to have a lot in common.

  4. The harm is intended. This is the great reset.
    They are all ready planning to make this a regular occurrence with any virus they choose. They’ve gotten away with this crap with a virus 99.6% + survival rate for healthy people.

  5. If people are afraid of the coof and avoid the medical treatment for stroke or heart attack, won’t they also be afraid of the coof and avoid going to the same places TWICE for getting the vaccine?

  6. I had the following discussion with my daughter yesterday:

    The Medical profession up here is prioritizing the physical duration of the Whu Flu which may be slightly worse than previous flue but essentially is very highly survivable as we all know.

    Most people are sick for a month and then are back to normal health. Some people will take 6 months to a full year to fully regain all their health while some will have always have some residual permanent damage.

    Mental Health Damage from the closing of the economy, fear created by the media, the terror instilled in children will last for much longer. Likely 5 years to a decade of mental harm for many who would otherwise have been fine in 30 days with natural immunity for NO FUCKING CHARGE!

  7. And they STILL have not 100% gotten rid of Trump who slowly seems to be exposing Big Tech, The NWO elites, and The Media who are actively working against Free Humans all over the world.

  8. Lockdown harms: (Select all that apply.)

    ( ) I get cranky.
    ( ) I’m on the Internet too much.
    ( ) I can’t stand TV or radio news.
    ( ) I get the urge to decapitate certain people.
    ( ) I fixate on slamming objects sideways up politician’s asses.
    ( ) I become increasingly aware of how stupid people actually are.
    ( ) I eat 2-3 meals/day when it used to be one.
    ( ) My middle initials change to “Kiss-My-Ass.”
    ( ) I’d rather bathe in dirt than talk to my Liberal relatives.
    ( ) I start searching for large sailboats again. (Wait, that could be good.)
    ( ) I start making too many lists.

  9. Remember it’s LOCKDOWN
    ..for a virus SO DEADLY you need a test to know you have it
    ..You get a vaccine that’s SO SAFE you need to be coerced and bribed to get it
    ..You still need to wear a mask, socially distance, and be LOCKED DOWN.



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