What are you lookin’ at ? – IOTW Report

What are you lookin’ at ?


In case you can’t see it, click read more for the answer.

It’s a black cat’s face with brown ears.

h/t Doc

via 95.7 The Jet

29 Comments on What are you lookin’ at ?

  1. It’s a cat but how come it couldn’t be a dog. And thank you for not posting one of those green/yellow/orange dot pattern tests which test to see if you’re color blind. I’ve never been able to figure those out. Nor the tests of random shapes and figures they use for psychological tests to find out if you’re nuts, I hate those.

  2. Bad news. That means you’re nuts.

    Welcome to the party!

    You don’t want to be perfect. Perfect is boring.

    If my last GF had a saying, it would be: “I hate being bi-polar. It’s AWESOME!!”

  3. I see a Siamese Cat named MingChing who has a loud purr and very sharp teeth … wait! … she’s been known to eat dog food … and is considered radical by the other cats in the neighborhood …

  4. this should have had a warning to persons suffering from whiplash…..


    i’m thinking about suing…….

    and besides……..no matter how much it hurts, i STILL don’t see the cat……..

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