What Changed? – IOTW Report

What Changed?

41 Comments on What Changed?

  1. Oh, maybe rap music, extreme violence video games, removing God from our society, the breakdown of the nuclear family, fatherless children, sex, drugs and rock and roll.

    Did I miss any?

  2. We not only watched it, we played it! Yes we played all the Politically Incorrect games and had all the Politically Incorrect toys that in today’s world would get a kid suspended or expelled and the parents hauled away for child abuse and terrorism and the funny thing was, nobody got hurt. Today we have kids having kids, kids killing kids and kids committing adult crimes with the full knowledge that they cannot be prosecuted as adults. Welcome to Liberal Utopia!!

  3. My family and extended family were all, and I mean everyone from my father to all my uncles and older cousins, WWll vets. Weapons weren’t these scary things, they were tools. We were taught weapon safety from an early age and those lessons are ingrained in me to this day.

    We had a total trust in our Constitution and “shall not be infringed” almost a 180 from today where our God given right to defend ourselves from a government out of control is constantly challenged by REgressives in their quest to disarm us.

    Further, back in the day, we didn’t have a government with 1000s of heavily arms SWAT MoFoers working for various government agencies-this is clearly an attempt to act as a counter measure to the protection the Constitution lays out in 2A.

    In short. like every thing REgressives deem an obstacle to their never ending grab for total control, first they demonize what ever it is(marriage, home schooling, religion, privacy in our homes, free speech, Capitalism, the Constitution…) and make it as though those of us that believe in these traditional values are the evil ones. Than once they’ve portrayed these values as wicked, they seek to bend us to their will and any attempts to validate our principles and out comes Mr PC to shut down the debate.

    We never were going to be conquered from outside our shores but the evil of REgressivism is eating America away. It’s a GD war and there’s going to be blood or we’re doomed as a Constitutional Republic.

  4. Hell that’s all we ever played with was cap guns, swords, and bows& arrows. We played cowboys and Indians; cops and robbers. We evaded capture by climbing trees, running through neighbors gardens, scaling walls. What the hell! we had no TV, ipods, or bottled water.
    To my knowledge not one of my mates ever went to jail. They now live in Boston, New York, South Africa, Australia, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
    All in their seventies.

  5. Sadly, kids have been “desensitized” to violence by pop culture…
    TV, video games, movies and the abomination known as “rap”.

    Combine their exposure to these evil influences with the lack of parental guidance and discipline, and you have skulls full of mush who can’t distinguish between fiction and real life.

  6. What changed? From a guy’s standpoint I’ll tell you what I think changed.

    What changed was the when schools started moving down the road of the touchy-feely, ‘B.F. Skinner’s I’m Okay, You’re Okay, everybody gets a fucking trophy for participation because everybody has to have good self-esteem so they can get in-touch with their feminine side, bullshit.

    I’m 50. When I was pre-teen I got to play cops and robbers, cowboys and indians and boys chase girls………when I was in school recess. I came home and watched the Three Stooges, Ultra Man, Speed Racer and the Looney Tunes. In the evenings I watched Black Sheep Squadron and Hogan’s Hero’s.

    Shit used to explode on a daily basis in my neighborhood and the neighborhood kids didn’t come home from wherever we were until the streetlights came on. Mom’s stayed home and raised their own children (not the state), made dinner for the FAMILY, baked goodies, fixed scrapes and boo boo’s and did laundry. The Boy Scouts was a big deal, and homosexual sodomites were looked upon as having a form of mental sickness (which I still firmly agree with).

    Now, men are more like girls and girls are more like tom-boys…..and anyone different than that isn’t being “tolerant” or “diverse” enough. Kids went to church on Sundays, made Communion, and Confirmation….and weren’t afraid to get dirty. Guys mowed lawns for extra money and girls babysat for the same.

    Thanks to leftists like Gloria Steinem, Barbara Walters and Phil Donohue, everything is all cattywhompass and generally backwards. Everybody is made to think they are “special” and are encouraged to “do it if it feels good”…….common sense and a guilt-conscience be damned.

    It’s a culture war, and America lost. The only way I see it ever going back to something close to what was good and righteous is after something culturally drastic takes place.

    ….and from where I sit, that drastic change is close at hand.

  7. Too many absentee parents. In more ways than one.

    In certain cultures, dads are missing due to not taking responsibility (or not even knowing they were a father).

    In other cultures, dads are missing due to divorce. (Heck, when I was young, divorce was a stigma — not any more.)

    Then there is the culture where parents want to be their child’s best friend instead of being a parent. No boundaries are set, kids are out of control and put on medication.

    We are seeing the results of years of psychotic medications on children and no boundaries/punishments being enforced by parents.

  8. The violence we grew up seeing in cartoons was clearly nonsensical. We understood that even as kids. The Moral Relevance/Humanist undermining of culture through education had not been fully realized. Fathers were at home and there were boundaries with consequences. Movies and television dramas depicted something almost completely absent now: Good vanquishing Evil and not resorting to wrongdoing in the process. In all movies and dramas now, the “Good Guy” sleeps around, gets drunk, breaks the law, steals, lies, or kills indiscriminately; there’s really no difference at all between the Good and the Bad guy, just the one is made more “like-able” to you, the viewer. So now, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” and other nonsense, and pop tarts in the shape of a gun and kids saying “pow pow” while pointing a finger are seen as equivalent to the real thing.

    Because it would be an outrageous act of discrimination to teach kids an objective difference between things actually does exist.

  9. JCLady. You got it. Our Moms were always there. Violent Moms. “You kicked football with your new Sunday shoes?” “You got cowshit on your new trousers.” “You ripped you brand new shirt!” “I’m going to kill you you little bastard, and if I don’t, your father will. Just wait ’till he gets home.”

  10. I vote for the sixties’ concept that everyone was entitled to “personal fulfillment.” This caused:

    –women to pursue careers;
    –the meltdown of the nuclear family; and
    –a general failure to realize that parenthood, to be done effectively, involves a tremendous amount of self-sacrifice.

  11. @moe tom — “Just wait ’til your father gets home” was the worst thing to hear!

    Even with my kids, one day I was in total desperation and asked them why they behaved for their father and not me. Their answer:

    “He spanks harder.”

  12. What changed?
    Everybody pretty much hit every reason above.
    My mom had a wooden paddle that had this written on it:
    “For the little dear with the bare behind”.
    She used to beat me and my brothers with that during the day when we were bad.
    My dad never had to hit us when he got home from work. We figured if Mom could inflict so much pain, Dad would be deadly…

  13. don’t forget Ritalin and SSRI antidepressants handed out to children like they used to give candy at Halloween. I was on SSRI drugs for a few years for PTSD and I can vouch to the fact that some of those drugs can cause serious problems for an adult not to mention an already unstable adolescent with raging hormones.

  14. Jethro, my mom had that paddle too! Mine had pictures of little fawns and bear cubs for the “little dears” with the “bare behinds.” Actually think it was a hand me down from my sisters, although I’m sure I gave it a lot more work. My neighbor lady, who was a school principal, had one that said “Board of Education.” That one was bigger and thicker than mom’s and scared the hell out of me.

  15. @Jethro — My mom kept switches in the glove compartment of the car. When my brothers and I were acting up, she would grab a swith and just start swinging. At home, we had to go out and pick our own switch. If it wasn’t thick enough, we had to pick another.

    My dad, on the other hand, was the major disciplinarian of my brothers. Belt.

    In high school, there was a paddle (chopped down oar) called “Big Bertha”. Big Bertha had holes drilled into it and any guy that messed up had to be hit with Big Bertha and then sign the paddle.

    In grade school, there was the ruler on the back of the hand.

  16. What happened? 50 years of democrat control of the education system. Kids are taught to be obedient followers, not imaginative children who grow up to be imaginative adults.

  17. Bring on Fearless Freep.. I still laugh myself silly whenever I see Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam running up and own that high diving board with all their frantic antics. I turned out OK watching all those cartoons,being a boy and doing all of the things many of you described. It was more of an innocent time back in the 50’s and 60’s growing up but I Also knew who was boss and it wasn’t me. My Grandfather could put the fear of God into me more than anyone else with his belt, but I never crossed him that bad but my cousin did, only once. And don’t even get me started on Ritalin, it’s a sore subject with me because they put me on it because I was bored and wouldn’t pay attention. I turned out OK, no thanks to school psychiatrists

  18. I just got to say this, just gotto: And I walked three miles to school, up hill, in the snow, with no shoes, and walked home three miles , up hill, with no shoes. Hee, hee.
    Thank God the snow had melted for the walk home.

  19. I Had lead paint on my crib as an infant.
    I Drank from the hose and fake washed my hands before eating meals, when I was called to the house for food.
    I have never, nor will ever, apologize for:
    Calling a homosexual a faggot cocksucker;
    Understanding lesbians can never have children;
    Knowing sodomy is a sin against a woman or a man;
    Calling a nigger a nigger, black or white;
    Being better than many of my contemporaries, and worse than some, all my life;
    Demand retribution for being a loser;
    Kill innocent people with one of the many guns I legally own, by an act of Congress, and per my righteous right from God;

  20. I will however;(after paying 67% of my gross income on child support for 26 years) Spend the rest of what is left of my life-HATE with everything that is left in me that which has worked against my entire existence:
    American women;
    American laws to persecute WHITE men who are victims of American women with American lawyers;
    ETC, ETC, ETC….AD NAUSIUM. Woe be unto you a white man in America.

  21. What changed? The misinterpretation by the church of how women are to be treated by men and how early feminazis seized upon it to make it the cornerstone of their movement. It’s hard to argue against bad doctrine. Read the Bible — especially Ephesians, Ch. 5, starting at v. 25. Church-going men like to point to v. 24, but have no clue or are too selfish to love their wives in a Godly way. They may love their cooking, cleaning and the other, ahem, perks of marriage, but at some point women were compelled to resist feeling like they were reduced to chattle. Hard words, I know. But read and contemplate on them and, men, love your wives as Christ loved the church — even for a single day — and then honestly evaluate whether or not you’ve been doing that for her and your childrens’ sake. Make it your pledge and then see how the world is changed.

  22. …forgot to add: That if Christian men would demonstrate to the nation how loving a woman is really done, the churches would be packed on Sunday and women would be trawling the pews instead of the bars and Whole Foods in search of a mate. And the fruit of their union would be raised up in a Godly home, and their subsequent moral values would be like anti-venom in a nation filled with debauched snakes — from the gay activist movement to teachers preying on their students. Worth a try, right?

  23. 1,000 thumbs up for the posts on this thread. Here’s a different twist on the “wait till your dad gets home” way of dealing with bad behavior. DH had to be the 1st responder to an incident with our son. His comment to the boy was, “you’re lucky your mother isn’t home.”

  24. BFH,

    There’s a great site on youtube with all the Mattel toy commercials many of us watched every Saturday morning. Fully automatic pellet shooting guns. The early to mid 60s commercials are the best. The sound tracks are a hoot.

    They would make a progressive’s head explode.

  25. Mom was home and taking care of the children. Dad lived in the home and worked to care for the family.

    Feminazis had not yet told moms that they needed to have a job to prove they had a penis.

  26. Jeremiah 51:30.
    Long story short, their men refused to fight so they stayed in their homes and became as women…..(I don’t think ALL men are there yet, just the ones allergic to work ie looking for handouts, living off their wives, etc).

    jc….yep. That good old belt! Daddy used that! (That’s what is missing these days!)
    Abigail…. You’re so right. I’m glad my hubby has it right!!
    Jethro……my mom had that paddle that had the ball/rubber band-string thingy. That smarted for sure!
    Nowadays just let your kids talk back, cry & pout, especially in public, and be a huge PIA and then get angry when their behavior is brought to their attention… Which I do!

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