What comes first? Modern planes for Canadian fighter pilots, or Trudeau’s luxury jet? – IOTW Report

What comes first? Modern planes for Canadian fighter pilots, or Trudeau’s luxury jet?

The Rebel: On Justin ’s luxury vacation to India, one of the gauges on the plane flickered a bit on the flight over.

I’m guessing something that trivial happens on every single flight of every single plane in the world, but CTV went into full panic mode:

“…a gauge designed to monitor engine temperature began ‘fluctuating randomly’ (…) and a ground crew at a scheduled refueling stop in Rome found ‘a few loose wires.’”

Well, then isn’t it obvious? We need to buy the Prime Minister a brand new VIP style jet — to compete with Donald Trump, who is getting a new 747.

I know why the US president needs Air Force One: It’s a mobile White House, designed to be a command centre for the US armed forces in case of nuclear war. It’s built to withstand attack.

Trudeau’s plane? It’s to fly Trudeau on his 56 vacations so far. MORE

12 Comments on What comes first? Modern planes for Canadian fighter pilots, or Trudeau’s luxury jet?

  1. Try flying in a lamps III off of the deck of destroyer or a cruiser. Instruments meant nothing. The pilots often told me that the only guage they paid attention to was, fuel and oil pressure.

  2. Why not? Canada knows that they can reduce their military spending to almost zero. They just need a Coast Guard to protect their fishing. They know we will protect them from everything else. Thus they have more money to spend on health care instead of national defense per capita.
    And their health care still sucks…….

  3. Canada has no need for fighter jets. Canada has no need for a Prime Minister. These arguments are specious and invalid. Put the Canadians back in ground caves or ice sheets or wherever it is they’re from and let America handle everything. We really don’t need Canada getting in the way of things like an undeveloped Fredo at a Cuban board meeting.


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