What “Cussing” Sounds Like in the South – IOTW Report

What “Cussing” Sounds Like in the South

Southerners have the best “cuss” words.

18 Comments on What “Cussing” Sounds Like in the South

  1. When I was a kid, my grandmother would threaten to wash our mouths out with soap if she heard us saying “gosh”, “darn”, “jeez” (even “gee”), etc., because she knew what those words were a substitute for, and she wasn’t having any of our blasphemy. Funny thing is, she wasn’t even originally from the South. As a child, she came down from Indiana in the late 1880’s in a covered wagon. One of her greatest fears was Indians. That and escaped convicts.


  2. What the Sam Hill… this house looks like a cyclone hit it!, was the harshest language I’d ever hear from my genteel mother if the house wasn’t spotless. I can only recall hearing her say damn one time, and that slipped out after her semiannual Tom Collins, (she indulged in 2 that year, and promptly went to bed).

    Dad OTOH, let it rip quite frequently, with the exception of the eff bomb, but he was a cop (at least that was mom’s explanation)!

    Even as adults, we’d never curse in front of our parents.

  3. My cajun coon-ass ex hated the infamous eff bomb so much she had a cuss jar on the kitchen counter. My buddy, who was an Army drill instructor would come over to watch football and toss a $20 in just in case.

  4. never heard anyone use actual cuss words on either side of my family, except my dad (who was a Montgomery County Motorcycle Policeman) & my great-uncle ‘Tommy’

    my Great-Granddad used to ‘Southern’ cuss at times … & other times he just cussed
    “Boy, you keep that up & yer gonna get a wangin’ so bad you won’t be able to sit still in church come Sunday”
    “That knife is sharp enough to skin the hair off a mouse’s tit”
    “Whoo-wee, that pretty little gal is so cute she’d make a preacher go all cock-eyed” (said when I introduced She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed to him … still ain’t quite sure what he meant)
    “During the War your Uncle Tommy found a bunch of wine in a French farmhouse & he commenced to drinking it. wouldn’t you know the Krauts found him. he shot up about 10 of them & captured another few or so … now that’s something you need to understand … Uncle Tommy’s a nasty som’bitch when he’s drunk”
    “oh, he’s a wonderful cuss, I like him about as much as the Devil likes Holy Water”
    “horse feathers!”, “slicker than owl shit”, “dumber than a sack of manure”, & “worthless as dog crap on a boot heel” was often heard


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