What Did Gov. Cuomo Know About His Attorney General? – IOTW Report

What Did Gov. Cuomo Know About His Attorney General?

Multiple women corroborate he was also a heavy drinker, according to The New Yorker’s reporting.


Daily Caller: A bombshell report came out Monday night in The New Yorker alleging a pattern of horrific abuse by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. As one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s right-hand men, can the public truly believe New York’s governor had no idea about his attorney general’s behavior?

Theoretically, it’s entirely possible Schneiderman kept his demonic second life far from his boss, but it’s important to remember we’re not talking about a single accusation. As Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow outline in their piece, four separate women detailed his “nonconsensual physical violence.”

Two of them, Michelle Manning Barish and Tanya Selvaratnam, even allowed their identities to be out in the open. Both women say they sought medical treatment after “having been slapped hard across the ear and face, and also choked.” While it is true no one ever accused Schneiderman publicly of misconduct before this article, one would imagine there had to have been whispers among the womens’ social circles and families.  read more

17 Comments on What Did Gov. Cuomo Know About His Attorney General?

  1. “No Enemies on the Left.”

    He ran afoul of the FemiNazis.
    Cuomo and the media protected him as long as they could but sometimes these things grow legs – even among socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m gonna do what Cuomo and other lefties do – repeat this rumor over and over again until it becomes fact. Cuomo not only knew about Schniederman, but Cuomo actively assisted in the cover-up. I don’t need facts, and Cuomo can whine all he wants and perhaps even prove his innocence, but the narrative is already set.

  3. Still looking for just one normal democrat.

    Yeah, it takes a real tough guy to beat up a woman.
    Hopefully he’ll get prison time and he’ll find out what real tough guys are like.

  4. I heard that Andy held Schneiderman’s beer while he abused wymyns, and shit.

    My sister’s brother’s cousin second removed on his father’s side who owns a gas station that sells gas and other stuff overheard some mention of it while surreptitiously eavesdropping. So you KNOW it’s true!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Attorney, Harvard Law grad
    son of an attorney
    a Northeast liberal Jew
    unworthy of trust in Public High Office
    In private, a racist, sexist, physical abuser of women, pervert
    In public, a lion of liberal values
    (how many is that?)

  6. President Trump (aka Teflon Don) knew in 2013, so that means Cuomo knew long before yesterday.

    However, I’m sure Cuomo claims he just read about it yesterday in the fake newspapers like the NY Slimes, just like his Hero, Preezydent Zero.

  7. I am inclined to believe, unless it is proven to be otherwise, that these four women were aware of what they were signing up for. I am also inclined to believe that this character’s proclivities were common knowledge among his contemporaries within the NY Democrat machine as well as with every publisher of print or broadcast news in New York.

    I witnessed coeds in college who would date losers who were players in the SJW scene, who were known to be serial abusers. They were warned and their naivety was only matched by their smugness. I could only pity them, honest sympathy is something that I believe humans do not have an unlimited capacity for. What sympathy I have available I reserve for those who are victims and not volunteers.


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