Jill Malone:
Coronaviruses and other single stranded RNA viruses are classified as positive or negative stranded depending on the polarity of the RNA. One can think of RNA polarity as sort of like reading a sentence from left to right (positive polarity) or right to left (negative polarity). The machinery in cells that makes proteins from RNA reads the RNA (message) from left to right. So, getting really technical, coronaviruses are a type of positive-polarity single-stranded enveloped RNA virus, which is to say that virus proteins can be produced directly from the RNA genome by reading it from left to right. The RNA does not have to go through another round of replication (as is required for negative-polarity RNA viral genomes) to get back to a form that can be read from left to right to produce proteins after infecting a cell. At a practical level, this also means that the RNA genome of a coronavirus can be infectious; the RNA alone, if transferred into a cell, can cause that cell to produce complete and infectious new coronaviruses. This is why mRNA vaccines only use a fragment of the mRNA genome, so that the mRNA can not reproduce virus.
Using RNA as the genetic material is very efficient (a single strand is easier and cheaper to make than two!), but it is also very likely to develop errors during replication relative to using double stranded DNA (like human beings use). Among other problems with this viral strategy is that this means that viruses that use RNA often mutate very fast. Good thing that human beings use DNA to store their genetic information!
RNA viruses make this high mutation rate work for them. The high mutation rate of RNA viruses is one reason why it is difficult to make effective vaccines against many of these types of viruses. More Here
I’d be willing to bet that viruses have been here since creation.
The minute you wake up and go about the day, your life is at risk. đŸ˜±
Live life you only got one. đŸ˜‰
The people that developed the mRNA vaccine had to know about this. I learned about it in immunology class a hundred years ago. The pharmaceutical companies knew what was going to happen, knew the politicians would use it to increase their power and further their Careers, therefore increasing the pharma co’s profits.
Of course Malone is right, and most of us knew it instinctively over a year ago. I argued futilely last Summer that there would never be a vaccine, and I was called a know-nothing for my efforts. We also instinctively knew early on that this virus was created to foster the illusion of a deadly pandemic, and not to kill off half the earth’s population. The point was to create a never-ending regimen of societal control based on fear, and now that half the world has bought into it, no amount of truth and scientific explanation is going to rip away the illusion.
All we can do now is make ourselves untouchable by the control freaks, and stay out of the way of the panicked people around us.
Two more people that are friends of friends dying from covid aka the death jab and ventilators.
Both had the double death jabs, both started out as mild colds, both ended up in hospital on ventilators and both are 3+ months past death jabs.
The jabs are doing what they did to the animals, you get exposed to any coronavirus, which a cold is and it kills you.
They said that synthetic opioids were not addictive.
They said that Thalidomide was safe.
They told us that SSRI drugs would cure all mental problems.
And now we find out they lied.
Are they lying now when they say that their new gene therapy is safe when we find that thousands are dying, and being sickened by their poison?
The pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t do that to us would they?
Well, would they?
My answer would have been they’re all sexually transmitted by immoral liberals, but OK.