What do I have in common with Covid Expert Deborah Birx? – IOTW Report

What do I have in common with Covid Expert Deborah Birx?

Neither of us has a medical license.
Her license expired on December 31, 2014, and it has not been renewed.

18 Comments on What do I have in common with Covid Expert Deborah Birx?

  1. …I’m starting to think that licensing is part of the problem anyway…since EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of patient contact, from the guy who took a CPR class once to a pediatric foetal thoracic surgeon MUST have SOME license from the Government, and the Government can pull that license to take away your hard-earned livelihood and instantly discredit you at ANY time you displease it and do not toe the Government line, especially now that Government has such a role in defining medicine by the poison of Obamacare that shapes what can be done and what will be PAID for…that said, Democrats NEVER need any
    “proof of competency” from anyone but OTHER Democrats and the Democrat media, so the public at large is less likely to know what she has hanging on the wall than how many Emmys she was awarded to try to legitimize her performance…

  2. She said she is hoping to start advising Biden’s admin today. Trump rightfully dispatched her and now she can audition to show how smug, condescending and extreme she is, a useful tool for the ‘national’ lockdown and mask mandate.

  3. Ya’ know what I don’t have in common with Deborah Birx? A daughter that’s the Deputy Director of strategy, planning and management for the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

  4. Well, I’m not surprised. Guess that puts her right up there with “Doctor” Jill the enabler Biden.

    Know what they call the person who graduates last in their class in medical school? Yeah, that’s right, Doctor.

  5. The guy that drives the turd truck and pumps out my aeration sewer system used to be a lawyer. He said he couldn’t stand to lie to people any more and finds sucking poop into a tank much more palatable. He makes almost $200K a year. He owns two sucker trucks.


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