What Do These Never Trump Losers Think Is Going to Happen to Them? – IOTW Report

What Do These Never Trump Losers Think Is Going to Happen to Them?


Ahoy, you skeevy traitors. How do you think your endgame goes? You turncoat weasels already have plenty to worry about. You know you’re just one Zoom away from Toobinnig yourselves all over Twitter but you really ought to worry about November 4th. For some reason, you think good times are dead ahead, like the figurative iceberg you rammed your garbage magazines and blogs into. That’s wrong. There is no good outcome for Team Treachery. Everyone hates you.

SPOILER: It’s because you suck.

Now, you’re always talking about how you’ll be at the vanguard of the insiders who will rebuild the Republican Party after its four-year flirtation with effectiveness and actually conserving stuff. The clinical term for this kind of fantasy is “delusional.” Name someone awaiting the return of the people who got us into Iraq, put up McCain and Romney as willing sacrificial lambs, and who went full Dick Morris toe-slurping on the left the second they realized conservatism had left them behind? Maybe its one of those doughy geebos you find for your insufferable Lincoln Project vids about how “I was a Republican until Trump started actually doing conservative stuff and I couldn’t handle it”? With Trump grabbing about 95 percent of Republican votes, actual Republican Never Trumpers are as rare as Bulwark staffers who can do a push-up.

There’s no coming back from this. Kasich, your daddy doesn’t ring twice. You’re out. Kristol, your cruises will be ghost ships. French, kiss off. And the rest of you, don’t go away mad, just go away broken and humiliated by your utter failure and total rejection. read more

19 Comments on What Do These Never Trump Losers Think Is Going to Happen to Them?





  2. Weasels being weaselly…

    Here are 3 facts.
    John Kasich will never be president.
    Mittens will never be president.
    Never, ever!
    The next 4 years with Trump as president are gonna be glories as he takes his pounds of flesh as payback.

  3. They’re not “Never Trumpers” they’re “Never Americas.”

    To them, America is just a grab-bag of ill-gotten swag.
    “What would the French do?” they ask themselves while beating their breasts.
    Their crocodile tears run down their ruddy cheeks as the snot drips from their noses while they lament the ending of the endless wars and further opportunities for “investments” bought with the blood of loyal Americans.
    Globaloneyism brought us a Wuhan Flu with world-wide implications – aided and abetted by sanctimonious quackery and the mendacious media, conspiring with the Chi-Coms.
    Do not go gentle into that good night – go kicking and screaming in pain.

    Fah! A pox on both their houses! RINOs and the totalitarian “Demonrats.”
    (actually two wings of the same mansion)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …no man stands with a traitor. Not even another traitor in a PARTY of traitors.

    …someone who betrayed once, will betray again. The only thing treachery does for the traitor is to prove him untrustworthy to everyone for all time.

    My favorite traitor story is probably this one, because of the end that ALL traitors deserve:
    “In 89 BC, while Rome was preoccupied with the Social War against her Italian allies, Mithridates VI (Eupator), king of Pontus on the southern shore of the Black Sea, annexed neighboring Cappadocia and Bithynia. In The Mithridatic Wars (III.10-21), Appian relates that Manius Aquillius, as head of a Roman commission to Asia, ordered that both kings be restored. They were, but it then was suggested that their debt to Rome could be repaid if Mithridates’ own kingdom were invaded and plundered. Nicomedes IV of Bithynia reluctantly did so, because he “had agreed to pay a large sum of money to the generals and ambassadors for restoring him to power, which he still owed, together with other large sums which he had borrowed on interest from the Romans in their suites, and for which they were dunning him.” It was to be a disastrous miscalculation on the part of Aquillius and marked the beginning of the First Mithridatic War.

    Ridiculed and paraded on an ass, he eventually was executed, relates Appian, when “Mithridates poured molten gold down his throat, thus rebuking the Romans for their bribe-taking.”

    …and this is just exactly what these RINO asshats deserve.

    It clinically looks like this…

    “Pouring hot liquids or metals, such as lead or gold, into the mouth of a victim was a practice used on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, by the Romans and the Spanish Inquisition among others.

    Several sources mention the bursting of internal organs. The question remains whether this is actually the case and, also, what the cause of death would be. To investigate this, we obtained a bovine larynx from a local slaughter house (no animal was harmed or killed specifically for this purpose). After fixing the larynx in a horizontal position to a piece of wood and closing the distal end using tissue paper, 750 g of pure lead (around 450°C) was heated until melting and then poured into the larynx. Immediately, large amounts of steam appeared at both ends of the specimen, and the clot of tissue paper was expelled with force by the steam. Within 10 seconds, the lead had congealed again, completely filling the larynx.

    After cooling, cross sections of the larynx were made, and formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded slides of the laryngeal wall were observed under the light microscope. The laryngeal mucosa was found to be totally absent, and coagulation necrosis of the underlying chondroid and striated muscle was seen at a maximum depth of 1 cm.

    Based on these findings, we suggest that the development of steam with increasing pressure might result in both heat induced and mechanical damage to distal organs, possibly leading to over inflation and rupture of these organs. Direct thermal injury to the lungs may lead to instantaneous death, as a result of acute pulmonary dysfunction and shock, as shown by Brinkmann and Puschel. Even if this is not the case, the development of a “cast” (once the metal congeals again) would completely block the airways, thus suffocating the victim.

    In conclusion, we have shown that in the execution method of pouring hot liquefied metals into the throat of a victim, death is probably mediated by the development of steam and consequent thermal injury to the airways.”

    …a traitor’s wages are always paid in blood regardless of which side wins, so Bon Appétit guys, hope you get all you deserve…

  5. Odds are, these never Trumpers (Globalist Pond Scum) names are on Biden’s list of business associates. They are fighting for their freedom from incarceration.
    I find it interesting these asshole are all built like pumpkins. How could you let yourself get in that bad of shape?

  6. …I wonder if Kristol, Kasich, and Romney and friends are mentioned anywhere on the Biden hard drive or in an Epstein Island travel manifest, it might explain why they hate a President who isn’t in on their skeevy little omerta…

  7. These guys are on the fringes in DC now and if it weren’t for quiet money (from those anti Trumper RINO’s who wish to remain nameless) they’d be working at Dunkin Donuts. Assuming Trump wins and he brings along a renewed majority in the Senate as well as a recaptured House the President will own the Republican Party and will start to purge it of the traitors scattered within it’s rank. I’m especially looking forward to Steve Schmidt being politically drawn and quartered and left to rot in the proverbial street.

  8. …you could ask Arlen Specter, the “Republican” who flipped to give them Obamacare, how good the Donkeyz treat turncoats who give them the world, if he wasn’t entirely dead…

    “Sen. Arlen Specter says Pennsylvania “has a big interest” in his seniority.

    The full Senate voted Tuesday to strip Specter of his seniority, dropping him to the bottom of the pile on every committee he sits on.

    “Sen. [Harry] Reid said that I would maintain my committee assignments and that my seniority would be established as if I’d been elected in 1980 as a Democrat,” the long-serving Pennsylvania senator told CNN’s Dana Bash.

    Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley, said, “There was no miscommunication.””


  9. Looking at that pasty-faced, buck-toothed weasel Bill Kristol,
    I can absolutely picture him all blistered and puffy
    from being tarred and feathered the traditionally American way.
    Huzzah !


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